Monday, June 9, 2008

Earth: 3

The damned dentate soil
Tears into my ankles
Like bear traps to fur
Or that bears jaw to a fish
And my own screaming bleeds till my ears tanks are full
But the diminutive dentate of dust all about
Walks around but not with every step that I take
These are jaws
I wish I would never wake
To-not have my futility become an itinerancy
This mausoleum of mud molars
I know you saw the end-
Yet what the earth lets in my blood
Is still determined by the solar orb
That never pities my plight
Until it to becomes gnawed to bits by the night
When we both miss our massive majestic matutinal mother

Earth: 2

Gnarled roots of fists
Punchin with cheer
Tar your wrists
As you crunch your fears
The bark on your chest
No longer arrests
My attention
If I were the pesticide
You’d be the locust
If I were the drought
You’d be the survivor
Is it fun-to be abandoned to your endless fields of grain
I’d sooner tear
Your leaves
Then embrace them----dear
You are the shrubs that have finally been cleared
You are the shrubs

Earth: 1

Tears of wood
Is what she wept
We would always hear
But never-
Really understood
We’re what she left
Clamoring through the back door
Unkempt, mud-caked, sobbin through sores
Sweat droplets servin as mirrors on the floor
Slobber over the food
And howl at the neighbors we think are rude
For every other time there was a reason to back it up
But you’re tired of my fatigue
And I’m tired of you relieved, so pack it up
Pack it up now

Thursday, June 5, 2008


There is little more beautiful then a trusting surrender.
To let inhibitions slide of your tongue
Let music dwell in the bobbing of your head
the arythmic tapping of your foot
Which is slightly off but just as passionate as the
Tittt-errrraddedat-tow of the cymbal hits
And it would seem you saw a symbol in every one of those guitar licks
A ramshackle bridge that no one shows anxiety over
A spinning desert with a layer of diamonds hibernating underneath
Everything is something else- complex yet mindless with the music in your feat


It stopped fazing---
me when I failed to falter in my faith----
in the fulfilled fabric -----of
flowering fantasies.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Strangely enough the more you know the less you feel
He said as twirled the stiff orange peel
Around his thumb and bruised other fingers
Those conversations made me numb
Yet a feeling would always linger
My mind was a ceiling filled with singers
and the glimmer of their vocals
was like a coat full of gold
Rubies and such
I'll never know the boat
I boarded
To cruise to such luck