Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Grinding Halt

Oh god I’m falling to the floor
Where am I
What did I say to you
Oh my I’m calling from the store
Where’s my car
And why do I feel this way
Oh I have no idea who I am
or what I’m doing
I’m having trouble seeing
And even more difficulty
With breathing
I’m huddled in self-infliction
And I want to be helped out
Before some form of an out helps me


You’re looking up
They cut into your pain
Like a deck of cards
You’re refusing to stare me in the eye
Now that you see that the dye
That you misused
In which you flew
Diluted the dogma but
You can’t replace
What is true


Hushed tones with an ominous hold
Blushing and groans with a calamitous cold
All caught on videotape
That happy hazard is lined with yellow plastic
Barricading a smaller chalk outline within
I wrestle with my own mind
It’s knotted like a pretzel and relaxation
A new elation
Is what I’d like to find
I struggle with my own solace
To the point where
Relaxation seems
Foreign singular strange
Let it go
It’s already loosened its hold on you
Hold steady, though freedom is long past due

Monday, February 19, 2007


You created contrast
I created lighting
You created an unintelligble fast
I created fighting
You debated times that wont last
I invented lightning
And brought it down
with malice to
let it nestle and burrow
into your head
your brain
No need navigate through this huddled homestead of rain

Tried to Save Her

you’ll never pry kindness for my grip
she said this as my esteem slipped
dripped sideways
and took a tragic trip
I wish you would admit that you’re just lit
I said as I pried the bottle green from hands
On wrists that my as well have been slit
I let you slide onto the chair in the den
I let myself sob in the kitchen while preparing
But not daring
To realize the inevitable
To reiterate the incredible
Truth of which she was
the proof
Her interpretation was invigorating
But no longer something I’m anticipating

Delusion Feels Normal Until.....

Weekly rainbows for a season of gray
Seeking faint glows of the disease that we spray
crushin cityscapes underneath your heel
Lush videos for the sake of the wreath of steel
Whatever makes you feel at this point
Whatever shakes you until you reel at this point
Creaking doors
as tainted growths pour in just as you begin to heal
Harm held your hand while breaking your mind
Yarn for the demands held together so divine

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I live as if when I close my eyes
I may vanish
Or directly die
I’m brazen
I’m brash
I’m invading this combating
City of ash
Comport yourself
Retort your
Iconic conjectures
Of convulsions
That he dealt
Explore my
sonic salutations
of nothing more than
a misguided compulsion
A gush of foreclosure
For the lush overexposure
Of your thoughts
Your life
Your enemies and such

Friday, February 16, 2007

A Small Scene And Some Arrogance

We answered his question
with a goddamn gunshot
The dancer in question
was an outspoken slut without
Doubts caught

I couldn't care less
What you think of me
If you hate
How I am
What greater incentive is there
To be more obnoxious
I wasn't just the one who invented it
I was the one who taught this
I am on demand
I didn't just make a scheme
I am the plan
I am confidence
I am whatever I wish to be
And I can con perfection form these dents
My life's like a western
theatrical, chaotic, intriguing,
With an overlying love story
But if problems are declassified
I will confront anyone over anything
I refuse to back down

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Sign language
They’re what I seem to need
To decipher
the enigmathe blind languish impaled exploring the pejorative
even moreYou never lost hope
Hope lost you
Just let it back in; and all this will be through
How can you live it up
While I stand here hopeless
Giving up

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Me Or At Least A Portion

The histrionic harmonics of a hapless hindered hummingbird
We grip these phonics and tonics of faithless sinners drumming heard

Not What You Think

escape the profiling
dictating the lowest reconciling
Of the groteque reckoned dialing
Who are you to tear out tongues
And relable them as lungs
Who are you to animdaversions so unable


In the twilight
The frost bites
And the crass cold bites
at coattails of the floating deck rail
That you pull close
as you meander through
a sea of compromised convictions that defined you
That magnificently maligned you
The slew of slander
Shouldn't be the standard

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Why Not?

Let’s vilify the vacation
But the silt in your eyes and
Give the surreptitious silence
Couldn’t you have found
Clarity in charity?
An estuary of
the unnecessary ultimatums
The sum of all their fates
What is the world
but a reflection of irresponsible human nature
What made these pearls
but an inspection by the constable that revealed
a needed nomenclature
The past has been crawling at your heels
Waiting for you to fall
Begin to crack, melt and peel

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Mafia Mishap

Drinking from a coffee mug
Whilst lead slugs
Fly from every direction
Like a spider web of bullets
8 hit him in the gullet
4 more crucified him to the nearby wall
Mob men
Making sure
That you know not to stand tall

Noir For the Poor

I’ve gotta hatchet in my hand
I’ve gotta casket on my land
with vampirism on the mind
and a shovel in my other hand
with body disposal on the mind
and nails locked intimately into myflesh
With paranoia eating my mind
and eyebrows of barbed wire glued uncomfortably
To this bleeding crudely carved desire


Set me free Or let me beI never wanted this to begin with
But I'll be haunted until I end this
the mistake that rakes across my mind
he said with a half sob
Convincing myself that I'm not in pain
has become my new job
The occupation to find elation
It shouldn't be this way
I was never meant to live this way
I look forward to sleeping but not tomorrow
He choked as he spoke
Because there are enough scars from the present day
He put his head in his palms
I've put so many qualms in
the back of my thoughts that trail
And I should've known the deceit
From your eyes that quiver
Your skin so pale
That it would all fail
You've taken a good person and
turned their heart to shale
And I've been flaking all along
He collapsed within the pressure

Unfortunate But Accurate

Everything is evaluated since trends became the truth

Inside Who's Head?

Head to the side
Tear soaked shirt
Look of hollowness lingering in her eyes
Head to the side
Inquisitive and confused
Eyes tilted downward as her esteem when abused
Muddled mascara
Now tilted upward searching an empty sky
Do I have to go it alone
I—I’m not strong enough
Can’t you pull me to my feet
Torn dress
Help me help myself before I hurt someone else
Head to the side
I’m empty and cold
So tired of the numb feeling of everything feeling misused
and how everything hurts
Bloodshot eyes


Death is a breath of an embrace shattered and spattered across a monochromatic static which provokes a new brand of addicts to the tempestuous traffic that they label with encomiums regarding it and their relevance in the grand scheme, the bland dream of consciousness that streams, but trickling is more accurate and the trickles are poisoned with pretentious voices, vicarious choices as people live through those around them and relegate themselves to be reserved what did you deserve, the learning curve is a burning bridge in this life and people often have to walk it blind, balk at the signs then throw themselves into an abyss of disassembled tranquility and broken wrists, the notion of the extravagance continuing to endear seems ready to disappear, it seems to believe is to grieve without restraint, watch as individuality faints and flies into a coma, and the vitals retitle this existence as nothing but pragmatic persistence, at the sporadic insistence of a coagulation of vague morals that made every tender cell of an even more nebulous incredulous person, is it any wonder that everything hurts them. These cynical cyclical hypocritical people impaling themselves on stale steeples with every wasted word they let escape, people’s lives should be love, not all this hate, as those around fall and fail and scrape every ounce of enthusiasm just to get by and to defy the inevitable eventual cry…………………………..

Speculate Debate or Simply Delegate

and demandingly ominous

Further through
Envelopes of flame

The horsemen are greeting graciously
and are outstandingly calming thus
we can trust?

Isn’t that the case?
Lies have amalgamated the tabanid
Pursue the parsimonious prison
or live life with liberality
or give life it as if it were an undelivered fatality
The eternal labanotation
The external grave of crass citations
Burn through the brave yet disasterous implications


Proposition of a newfound mission
Intrigue of a backwards due league
Festering and sequestering we’re investing
in a fresh hell of detesting
In the best shell of depression dogma
Which will rob the
minute with a muted tone of a grasping groan
A fluke with a reputed loan of a fasting clone
You are the epiphany that has never shone