Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Make me think….
Should I harm or heal you?
Make me sink…..
Should I charm or deal you?
Like a deck of cards,
Little rectangles of you to each gentleman in the room
Get out of my train of thought and gently ease into my room

How it Goes.

I'm a teenager
I think like the elderly encompassed into one
Looking back on what hasn't even happened yet
Pre-emptive nostalgia, cynicism, apathy, addictions.....
Hell! I've got it all
And you're cordially invited to watch me as I fall...
My autombile
still has the smell of cigarettes and cologne on the steering wheel
My clothes
Remind me of memories which remind me of the wrongs I've done in them
Hell! I've got it all
And you're cordially invited to watch me as I fall...


Maybe I’m a pathetic alternative
Maybe you’ll have to let me go so that you can live
In forward-motion
As I move toward erosion
You know how we both feel
But with a realistic blink of an eye
I feel like I’m a rip in yours
I wish I could spare you the melodramatics
So I’ll hide behind my stubbornness
Chant along as strong as I can muster
Pant like a stray-lived so long I lost my luster
Or maybe that’s my mind
We were cavorting through hills of dirt
And rooms of white and wood
We were purporting a new spill of sores
And hurt
Just must be be bound
To find a
As I move toward erosion
You know how we both feel
Realistic rip in the rarest eye
Maybe I’m a pathetic alternative
Maybe you’ll have to let me go so that you can live
So I donned a hat made of cremated people
And crumbling steeples
I’m still peering through this damp peephole
So stamp me cross papers until you seem as nearly, clearly whole

Sunday, October 28, 2007


arrogance is considered an overstated confidence......
Then how is being proud of large accomplishments any different.
Praise from others....It will all deify us on varrying levels.
Give me a break, spare me your self-righteous excretement......
If arrogance is grounded in accomplishment, then be thankful I'm not more confident then I am.
There is nothing more amusing in debate, then to listen to a person try very hard to make himself look like an idiot. I just realized that earlier.

Give and Take

Announcements galore
Renditions they pore
From the water pump that sought to lump
Us altogether in an intricate ideal
Ignoring the insipid differences in all that we feel
Ducking behind me-guess I’ll be the shield
But shelter is something I will not supply
A diminutive bird on my shoulder
Disheveled, feathers peeling away
Help her to realize that the amount you cry
Will not affect the how the when or with whom you die
Carpe diem
Before they bar your freedom
With a concrete fist
And an asphalt apathy
Stuttering symphonies of jilted guitars bring bastions of bravery
That compensate for the crawling cowardice
I want some harsh truths
I want your words to make me cringe
I want you verbally break it down, a vocal binge
Life is a maelstrom of flotsam
A whirling drain
A pearl dotted with strange
Curling stains
Which hurl the pain to a dreamlike domain
And I drift drowsily hoping for a hope
The lack of naiveté is killing me
Brink it back to breathing the fill of the sea
That electrifies my head
And calms my bones
God’s there so she won’t be scared
Whatever keeps the demons at bay
A squad that shares
They shot her stares
And reached for her hand
Since I’m out of sight
It seems my time is no longer at hand
Prolific or nothing-there’s no between
You lit at the speed you would have spit and insult from those over pronounced lips
And seem to agree but it would be to humbling to say so, catapulting your hands to your hips

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Friendship is what occurs when two strangers find a common enemy at least in some instances
Pain isn’t a hindrance in my life-a catalyst is a more fitting label
I teeter between being incredibly empathetic and nauseatingly nihilistic
And as I tell a truth, my mind slithers serpentine satisfying an underhanded altruism
The exploitative element is alive and well
I’m an automated being and I’ve become a shell
Believe it or berate it-this is the me I’m entertaining right now
Provided means the people are delighted
Peace bores the masses
The best opinion is one
That clashes
Originality as part of
A larger authenticity
Now if that isn’t individualistic
Then I don’t know what could be
Your prayers
A synthetic attribution
To a
That we are
But branches
Of a god
That blanches
In the face of a fact
Counseling options to my left
An apathetic disposition to my right
The center is contentment
The center is happiness

Waiting for a proof
Just one little statement
Waiting for something that won’t refute
The unjustifiable allure

You stuck the needle in my arm
Are ya all right ?
Do ya need to lie down?
You and that foreign charm
I clutched that stress globe
Like it was life itself
The needle tunneled in my vein
Are ya alright?
Do ya need to lie down?
Do ya need to die down?
To cry sound from those instruments
To defy the ground as you race right towards it
I want to tear the bark of your blessed eyes so badly
But you refuse
You resist
You insist
That I just wish
For something for myself but in the context of another
Isn’t that the silent accusation that everyone clenches?