We're diamond pelts siphoned from the flesh of a screaming feline that curls within itself in anger.
I can't say anything worthwhile anymore
then she stumbled toward the door
Slurring her movements
Jagged phrases scraping her lips
But I licked them off with a jab of my tongue
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
If no one were ignorant would we be better off, or would elitist cultural races to see who was the most educated and sophisticated emerge? I actually think things would be in a far worse state then they are currently. Because at least with the dichotomy of ignorant and educated people that sort of tension is consistent and sustainable. We'd probably be more prone to instigate conflicts, and become more selfish and arrogant. We would have a global movement of deluded hipster lifestyles and philosophies.....Nothing would get accomplished.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Boredom is laziness.
People don't have trouble with change, they have trouble with the disorienting nostalgia it can bring.
The matador smiles as he twirls his taunt around the beasts brain The runners rile up a style that defeats the goring lane Waivers for the archaic ravers all signed and returned
Strive to be same Live to be like Grow to be gawked at Smile to be shunned When kindness is an anomaly for which we don't have a cure How is is that we can expect anything else to be pure
When will we admit how many people have been undone by sordid sensationalism?
Thud languages pepper my skull With declarations exhaling over those tongues Hello, bright light release Here I am-Here I've been
Child N o thing Will hurtyouanylonger
Just trust the wind
That caresses
All that you feel isn't and wouldn't be good enough