Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Maybe I’m a pathetic alternative
Maybe you’ll have to let me go so that you can live
In forward-motion
As I move toward erosion
You know how we both feel
But with a realistic blink of an eye
I feel like I’m a rip in yours
I wish I could spare you the melodramatics
So I’ll hide behind my stubbornness
Chant along as strong as I can muster
Pant like a stray-lived so long I lost my luster
Or maybe that’s my mind
We were cavorting through hills of dirt
And rooms of white and wood
We were purporting a new spill of sores
And hurt
Just must be be bound
To find a
As I move toward erosion
You know how we both feel
Realistic rip in the rarest eye
Maybe I’m a pathetic alternative
Maybe you’ll have to let me go so that you can live
So I donned a hat made of cremated people
And crumbling steeples
I’m still peering through this damp peephole
So stamp me cross papers until you seem as nearly, clearly whole

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