Monday, April 30, 2007


You could have let sleeping dogs lie
But you had to beat them while they took their naps
You could have stroked me gently
and let me greet you by sitting in your lap
I asked you for you pristine cuizine-you gave me nothin but scraps
I've broken the leash now I'll get you back
I'm a canine
And your mine
And I'm gnawing on your insecurities in the middle of nowhere
I'm clawing, crawling on your climaxes
As the blizzard-the snow blares
Outside the kennel
Put me down if you want
Trim my ears
Cut my tail
Til I start to wail
But my methods masochistic and it never fails

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I've run out

of words
and everything that is associated with it.
there is nothing more to learn in this land

Friday, April 27, 2007

I Hope So

I deliberately stray from what I’m asked to do
Self-control is a myth enjoyment’s the key
And tonight makes me contemplate
The possible eventuality
That my decisions will bring me
A sliver of bait in a sea gray from the pollutants funneled from you
This astralogical belt is full of holes but it paints a vivid scene for everyone to see
And your lack of fright unsettles-what could be your fate
We brought the hull tar but it continued to be flooded through
Just like the sailors with their frozen fallacies
I'm driven by what you may sing to me
But you've lost your voice
And I've lost my acquire taste for those soaring vocals
Just know that I am remorseful

Family Problems

There is nothing I destest more than people who can develop inane segues around a simple question. Just give me my answer-and shut up regarding the issue. Don't give me pointless advice and tell me that I'm worried over something when I'm not . Don't tell me how I'm feeling-and don't tell me that I'm being disrespectful, because the average person wouldn't be able to withstand this maelstrom of ignorance either. Has your life become minimalized to the point where nothing but underdeveloped opinions can tumble from your mouth. If so then-you need to readjust your life-and let mine be. I will make my own decisions-I will have my own views-and not a single person can change me.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I am not happy
I am not satisfied
I am not selfless
I am not inspired
I am not alive
You cannot trap me
I am so deprived
I cannot believe I spelt this
With the letters of a liar
I have lost my drive
I am not alive

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Passive agressive
Pass the impressive
thoughts you keep in a whore
Liquor leaks into the store
While whales breach at the shimmering shore

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Plane Trip

On a baroque bloodstained plane
Filled with oozing boxes
Still we're proving toxins
Are everyone's joy
I've begun to destroy
The plane's turbines
With my teeth and it brings me such joy
And between the screams
I gleaned what you mean
Now you're mine and nothing more than a toy


Do I lie to a point where it's difficult to differentiate between the falsifications and myself
Do I make endless strings of promises when I know I can't/wont abide by them
Do I commit myself to things when I know I'm going to lose interest in them
Do I have such a paralyzing difficulty in deciding what I want in this life
Do I not accept that I need other people's help
.......Like a small animal crushed
My will was extinguished
With a muffled yelp.

Self-Induced Conflict

There's a hopeless exhaustion
Between my muscle and my skin
A throbbing anti-gravity
Between my mind and my bones
My forehead and my shins
You say how can you cope with this now that you're lost
But I can't lose what I never had
And I don't have any time for your clever gab
I don't care if it gets better it's still not my bag

Sunday, April 22, 2007


To explain how I’m feeling about the situation-look at a thawing iceberg


You’re a hammer in my hand-And I’ll use you as I wish
You’re a wrench in my belt loop and I’ll make you slide down every way which
I mean every which way
you’re a cortex of correspondence that I don’t want to acknowledge
Steam and levers covered brick
Smog like liquid rubber so thick
And the hammer’s teeth have fallen off now
I’m afraid you’ve lost your purpose
Like the president transferred back into time
Into some kind of burgess
Time doesn’t heal everything if you’re taking steps backward
Lie detector lines don’t feel anything-just stating what you lack the courage to wail
The argument’s so old-the hearts have gone stale

Helix Enigma

originally-it was just a random combination of words....But now that I think about it it represents me to the fullest extent. I am incredibly complex like a dna helix, and I am always spiralling towards something without knowing what, the helix is like a neverending staircase, filled with belabored details of my personality traits combined with the fact that I am enigmatic and impossible to figure out. I am a vortex of change and chaos, and mysterious simultaneously.

Cargo Hold

You drew a dreadful disaster from the disguised doldrums
and the ship full of incendiary secrets burned ever on
I never wanted to let go of your hand
Let you drown
no-not one your diffidence is destructive
Set you down
You spewed the dead and they pulled
and grafted
your fur
to the lies
Now unfold and behold them

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Kick It Up

Sharpen your resources
Your materials aren’t acute enough by my standards
What you’ve given isn’t good enough, so the granulation of your grace will grow on with a gregarious grasping interpretation of our time here
So you’re not living for the present
Because your neck cranes towards the past
And you feign the formality to cast
A new aspect of minimalism
Across a region of attraction
That is nefarious and gasping at innervations of my climb here

Afterlife Treatment

The quality will continue
The validity of the venue will
Help you realize that the decanter is only increasing the banter
Should the crematorium be enchanted
Then perhaps the censer should be censored

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Aware That

Your trickery’s flickering
Your flame’s but a sputtering spark
I’m bitterly biding my time
love’s become animosity-animosity to homicide-
You said you felt what you didn’t-
Nothing’s left to hide
Because there’s nothing inside
But the intricacies of a sphere of nails encasing your bruised head
Liberties make it clear that hail is erasing the landmarks and all that you’ve said


That dull plucking of the guitar
The crackling vocals rattling over the soundscape of fluttering
Bat wings that splinter into brown rust
The plucking becomes queer and unnerving
What makes you little ingrates think the gifts are clear and you’re so deserving
You’re not as worthy as me as you’d like to believe
Rutilant ravens rape the brain-clouds of the mendacious faithless little souls
That darken the land like a blanket of fertile soil
And gradual became completion
As seeds became new minstrels
They strummed at their instruments like it was all they had
They gunned down the insolent, fighting with all they could grab
And they robbed from the rich
And beat the poor through the ground
And bodies became dust
And dust became new soil
And the soil lifted away
And traversed like a curse
And your breathing those peasants
Each and lost one
With every intake
Every inhale
Why’s your face turning pale?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Please Forgive Us

The trees are the perfect complexity of this exasperated earth
And these streetlights are blemishes on its gorgeous skin
And the shooters in the news are the lice in its grass hair
The mountain ranges are it pinnacles of skeletal structure
It’s skull
wooden arms
cement shins
Resplendent sins
Suffocate this gracious Gaia
Whom we exploit, while we place lists on its pupils to ask for a tad bit more

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hurting To a Point

I tire of pain that is as omnipresent as my breath
I tire of people whose cruelty demonizes people until there’s nothing left
Lethargic, I’ve parted passion and into a sun that sings I cannot make it
Create it and my efforts are in vain
I don’t want to explain


A disorienting chill tumbles down my back
The bags under my eyes feel just as heavy as my eyelids
As if their pulling my face down
My core is descending into a dripping of depression
If my mind is in the floating halcyon of grace
Then my body is corroding on a balcony of disgrace
Why can’t the two elegantly waltz?
I pant rapidly under the pressure that bellows my faults
I can’t chop happily when the mesh of my finger tips can no longer endure the
And then the harsh
Between what my body wants and my mind indubitably needs
The little maggots want to descab it and make sure I beautifully bleed

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Inside My Head

When all the sentences are disregarded
And all the assignments are completed
All the conversation over
and shadow falls over my house
and my head
I begin to understand the avarice for activity
That I’ve always had and always hold dear
Being idle
Is the contradiction to a satisfactory survival?
Involvement is an exclusive engagement that brings me joy
Revolving tents full of contradictions whirl through my cerebellum
Evolving dented heat vents gyrating from the strain of my overused brain shudder at the over activity
Slow down haven’t you found that there’s nothing in the barbed wire crown?
The battle’s historic and you deplore it, but can you let it let go of you, or are you through with the hyperkinetic, the acrobatic telekinetic with yourself
Christ Jake-ease the disease, you know it won’t please
The price that the fake exceed with their social credit not something you would seize
You’re potential embodied
But you are a reluctant replica of what you wish to depict
This is a pungent plethora of a tryst that could make me sick

Monday, April 9, 2007

Glazed Little Glaciers

It’s a ladder of chatter
It’s a hairstyle harpooning little curls of hair
It’s tremendous and endless and I can’t defend or comprehend this
Or send a fist
When all I meant to do was intend the drift
There’s wreckage dotting the coast
And it all deflects the bridge of snow that I loved the most

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Bias and Infanticide

The world’s favorites
I believe we should flavor it
With some concrete cyan
That reminds you that this blood these veins are my land
And I’ll do what I please with them
Favored to win
But why not belabor his sins
Expose his flaws until he becomes them
And his missteps become his identity tearing within

The pearl’s babes it slit
On the edge of a a jagged nickel
The duty falls on us
When the garrulous reaper runs out of shining sickles

Saturday, April 7, 2007

What's Your Motive?

Inspired by monotony
Or a simple desire to create?
Is it redundant to create for creation’s sake
Does the reduce the expression to a little above fake
I wouldn’t know
I wouldn’t go
Even if you told me I’d die if I refused
To move
Twiddle my thumbs
Put a bounce in my step
Your life’s progressing to fast and your motives
are a joke
When you're done trying to convert the world I’ll show you
real hope

Drawing Parallels

I have a paralyzing sword in a sheath
This reminds me of your mouth full of broken teeth
I have a new discord south of the beach
which is west of the rest
Part your lips
Show a smile there’s no reason to be depressed

Musical Direction

The ambient obscurity of TV on the Radio
The shrieking trill of Blood Brothers
The bouncing swagger of Mika
The intoxicated expression of Panic! At the Disco
The crumbling vocals of The Used
The ever-prevalent perversity of Franz Ferdinand
The easy-going tone drifting through Shrimp Boat

Domestic Disturbance

You shook your head
And I shook the heat from your veins
You took the bread
And I took out the yeast and the grain
Made the filth fanciful and floundered in my failure
Ground the silt in your eyes and speculated over the confusion
I’ve gotta get away from this stale air
I’ve gotta have my say and declare what is fair
Our tongues got tangled in argument
And your tongue went limp as I strangled you in that apartment
No more shaking anymore
Your soul can shake in your casket your shallow grave your brand new decor

To Self-Absorbed Or Not Enough

Why do people search for new when finding it depends on your state of mind, looking for change is like looking for oxygen.

Health Addicts

Vitamins, fish oil, supplements glucosamine
Bite and grin, it’s all soiled by a public vent supporting a methamphetamine dream

Health Addicts

Vitamins, fish oil, supplements glucosamine
Bite and grin, it’s all soiled by a public vent supporting a methamphetamine dream


Let’s color by numbers
Let’s erase all the letters
the shades duller like hearing muffled thunder
Through an aluminum dwelling
Filled with nothing but chairs
Let’s question pseudo-apologies
Let’s make space for all the guilt that fetters

Make Up Your Mind

Slip these cheese graters onto your feet
Slip these IVs into your eyes
Slide these knives into every single pore
Which you scored
Before you pushed them inside
Little dash marks follow them with scissors
Lick these envelope stamps until they fade like your stamina
Lick these syringes, until you feel you are the sky
Last as your fast, your lives are something we can no longer afford

Friday, April 6, 2007

Unsure but....

The winery is filled to the bursting with socialites and self-important attitudes
It's as if as the people age so does their tart biting narcisism
The bakery is soaked with the scent of spices and chocolates frosting galore
It's as if their teasing the disadvantage that huddle outside the homeless, the poor

Calm Down

There’s a gallon of paint
leaking on your head
breaching from the tread
of a ship so small

There’s a talon that’s claims that you can’t
and you never will
Crawl away from the razor edged depressant

There’s a lack of sanity
seeking what you fed
calm down
quit accusing me
Quit abusing the
peace that I have only because you haven’t found it

Your envy of my elation
is the frustration you project to my location
Falls the fray of seasons as you are the rugged edge to my life

Monday, April 2, 2007

The Musical Voice

The orchestral hum has only begun
But the creaking and leaking of notes is what’s effecting
So melancholy, so mellow, so magnificilently unmolested
By superficiality
Or so it seems
It appears that the only way to feel
Security is to let go of everything that makes you feel safe
And the drums are pounding machines
And the lack of vocals creates a voice of it’s own
And the guitar mourns in a broken fashion
And the bass mumbles eloquence that drives the collapsing emotions
And the violin soars overhead commanded a tone of epic loss that is nearly incomprehensible