Friday, December 28, 2007


Eaglespead in the video game
Pixelated bodies lay strewn
In a 2-d spectrum
Eyes that look like dull egg whites
With gravel centers
I never understood why they would let them
Wander into the vortex
As vindicating as the vargrancy must have been
Those centipides should never have been ignored
Neither the relationship between the ivory circles
and that brown-gray sand-water ice-fire panoramic background
Welcome to the arcade

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Blank glances
Rank stances
We drank it all in
With the cuffs of our eyes
And we dragged and we drugged
Got furious involved and then saw a flood
Adjust like a professional
We can confess lust in the confessional
I swear it was never intentional
But hell we’ll work with it
Shell out the gwac and we’ll shell out the work for it
But if you ever tell don’t be surprised if you
Get peppered
Seasoned with a hell-load of shells
Knock out one of mine
I’ll take out three of yours

Monday, December 10, 2007


A scorpion with the head of a rabbit
Inquired as to my whereabouts
And I looked at with a wrenched puzzled expression
Said right here
The hallucinated hybrid said where’s your proof
Bounded backward up a down escalator
The fucking thing had just sprung from the ground
Violating every comfortable truth I had
With his incessant philosophical garble cohesive as falling timber

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Retrofitted Lacking

After looking at the Christmas tree, I realized that everything pure that I have ever experience has been eventually adulterated by others. Halloween, Easter, sports, the sense of christmas joy, my faith in God. My environment has progressively dictated that these things are painful reminders of an naivette I will never again posesss. It's not disheartening, just very sad to come to terms with the concept of the best things in life being taken from you.(Whether by your's or someone else's design) I have even unintentionally sabotaged a relationship in which I was truly loved and I truly loved them....And through my innate selfishness I lost it all. But at the same time it seems that I had to lose the best things in life in order to mature. And also develop a greater appreciation of everything I had and everything I could potentially have if I can just exercise some patience for once in my life. I believe my maturation has had very little to with choice, if anything it has just been a necesary alteration to my previous obstinancy.....I believe I'm becoming obstinant for the rights reasons though now-in an effort to truly become a decent person for many people's sake. I should go complete some homework now.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Three irises to a pupil
Eight eyes to a socket
Two tongues to each mouth
4 minds to each skull
15 ears inside esophagus
skin made of hair
and hair made of skin

in a cave made of mud
and blood
grit-spit-secreted salivations
spinal fluid
corpses piled high
to the point where you aren’t sure
if they’re in- or are the sky

half past a feeding
And a quarter till hibernation
Livers lace the pulsating wart ridden hovel

This is the anxiety of my mind- personified

Arguement Against Evil

If everything’s relative then evil isn’t real
Because truth is relative to the situation
And the situation is relative to those involved
And that’s relative to their backgrounds
And that’s relative to their genetics
And their genetics are relative to their parents
And their parents are relative to theirs
So the only way to extinguish the evil you speak of
Is to sprint backward in time
At a time before there was a time
And extinguish the primordial bacteria that was people in the beginning
And then there won’t ever be evil again
But then you wouldn’t be
So which you would you rather
Existence or a pure biological slate


I think that people need to widen their influences, particularly in a social context. You shouldn't become the person you're closest to out of covenience. The only reason you should adopt the characteristics of another person should be to improve yourself as a person. Individuality isn't overated and complicated, it's underused and simple. On another note, I don't agree with the theory that Atheism encourages the development of amoral pretentious intellectuals who sneer with disdain at the possibility of being wrong. Having going through this stage myself I can honestly say that the arrogance of independence is no more then a stage of maturity. Being filled with pride is far easier to manage then being consistently humble, so people often decide to live by the former. I also have a great deal of respect for the 'faithful', deists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.... Having faith is an admirable accomplishment in my eyes, even if I don't subscribe to their lifestyle of hopeful dedication in this life. The more honest I am with myself the more I tend to realize that I would love to have the comfort security and inspiration of a God. Or even just the knowledge that their is an otherworldly being that loves my for all that I am, regardless of my faults, deliberately made or otherwise. But the overwhelming need for logic and order in my mind displaces that possibility. My borderline compulsive need for proof of anything that is not tangible and explicitly clear to my senses is simulataneously a helpful tool for analysis and maddeningly repetitive. Despite wishing that there were a god of some sort, I have also come to terms with the fact that I wouldn't be able to live under rules dictated by such a being anyway(10 commandments, 5 pillars etc) So, if the Judeo-Christian God exists then I will be commited to eternal torment for my lifestyle and choices. Assuming that there is nothing spiritual beyond this life I will cease to exist upon dying. It's just a matter of determining whether existing in pain for eternity or not existing at all worse. I wonder if this existential dilemna plagues the faitful........

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Make me think….
Should I harm or heal you?
Make me sink…..
Should I charm or deal you?
Like a deck of cards,
Little rectangles of you to each gentleman in the room
Get out of my train of thought and gently ease into my room

How it Goes.

I'm a teenager
I think like the elderly encompassed into one
Looking back on what hasn't even happened yet
Pre-emptive nostalgia, cynicism, apathy, addictions.....
Hell! I've got it all
And you're cordially invited to watch me as I fall...
My autombile
still has the smell of cigarettes and cologne on the steering wheel
My clothes
Remind me of memories which remind me of the wrongs I've done in them
Hell! I've got it all
And you're cordially invited to watch me as I fall...


Maybe I’m a pathetic alternative
Maybe you’ll have to let me go so that you can live
In forward-motion
As I move toward erosion
You know how we both feel
But with a realistic blink of an eye
I feel like I’m a rip in yours
I wish I could spare you the melodramatics
So I’ll hide behind my stubbornness
Chant along as strong as I can muster
Pant like a stray-lived so long I lost my luster
Or maybe that’s my mind
We were cavorting through hills of dirt
And rooms of white and wood
We were purporting a new spill of sores
And hurt
Just must be be bound
To find a
As I move toward erosion
You know how we both feel
Realistic rip in the rarest eye
Maybe I’m a pathetic alternative
Maybe you’ll have to let me go so that you can live
So I donned a hat made of cremated people
And crumbling steeples
I’m still peering through this damp peephole
So stamp me cross papers until you seem as nearly, clearly whole

Sunday, October 28, 2007


arrogance is considered an overstated confidence......
Then how is being proud of large accomplishments any different.
Praise from others....It will all deify us on varrying levels.
Give me a break, spare me your self-righteous excretement......
If arrogance is grounded in accomplishment, then be thankful I'm not more confident then I am.
There is nothing more amusing in debate, then to listen to a person try very hard to make himself look like an idiot. I just realized that earlier.

Give and Take

Announcements galore
Renditions they pore
From the water pump that sought to lump
Us altogether in an intricate ideal
Ignoring the insipid differences in all that we feel
Ducking behind me-guess I’ll be the shield
But shelter is something I will not supply
A diminutive bird on my shoulder
Disheveled, feathers peeling away
Help her to realize that the amount you cry
Will not affect the how the when or with whom you die
Carpe diem
Before they bar your freedom
With a concrete fist
And an asphalt apathy
Stuttering symphonies of jilted guitars bring bastions of bravery
That compensate for the crawling cowardice
I want some harsh truths
I want your words to make me cringe
I want you verbally break it down, a vocal binge
Life is a maelstrom of flotsam
A whirling drain
A pearl dotted with strange
Curling stains
Which hurl the pain to a dreamlike domain
And I drift drowsily hoping for a hope
The lack of naiveté is killing me
Brink it back to breathing the fill of the sea
That electrifies my head
And calms my bones
God’s there so she won’t be scared
Whatever keeps the demons at bay
A squad that shares
They shot her stares
And reached for her hand
Since I’m out of sight
It seems my time is no longer at hand
Prolific or nothing-there’s no between
You lit at the speed you would have spit and insult from those over pronounced lips
And seem to agree but it would be to humbling to say so, catapulting your hands to your hips

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Friendship is what occurs when two strangers find a common enemy at least in some instances
Pain isn’t a hindrance in my life-a catalyst is a more fitting label
I teeter between being incredibly empathetic and nauseatingly nihilistic
And as I tell a truth, my mind slithers serpentine satisfying an underhanded altruism
The exploitative element is alive and well
I’m an automated being and I’ve become a shell
Believe it or berate it-this is the me I’m entertaining right now
Provided means the people are delighted
Peace bores the masses
The best opinion is one
That clashes
Originality as part of
A larger authenticity
Now if that isn’t individualistic
Then I don’t know what could be
Your prayers
A synthetic attribution
To a
That we are
But branches
Of a god
That blanches
In the face of a fact
Counseling options to my left
An apathetic disposition to my right
The center is contentment
The center is happiness

Waiting for a proof
Just one little statement
Waiting for something that won’t refute
The unjustifiable allure

You stuck the needle in my arm
Are ya all right ?
Do ya need to lie down?
You and that foreign charm
I clutched that stress globe
Like it was life itself
The needle tunneled in my vein
Are ya alright?
Do ya need to lie down?
Do ya need to die down?
To cry sound from those instruments
To defy the ground as you race right towards it
I want to tear the bark of your blessed eyes so badly
But you refuse
You resist
You insist
That I just wish
For something for myself but in the context of another
Isn’t that the silent accusation that everyone clenches?

Friday, September 28, 2007

New Chapter

thoughts stocked up but still so dated
final freedom jilts the still jaded
And it feels so lambent
As I wake for the sake of positivity
A break I take although people preach of a whole soul
I hope As I drown myself in a liquid kaleidoscope of rope....
The coarse convulsive compulsive nature
of the human handling
of the temporary titillations
of this short solace from death.
what a frozen night out on the town
A small bride in a gown
A stalled dive into the ground
The city is littered is littered with sordid salutations
Rethinking connections only leads to loss
I see slinking confections of those bleeding moss
Hit me til the lit spit spurs spasms of morbid mastications
Build it on construct and innovate the upscale
Fill the strong with aqueducts of funds and create hate for the sluts that wail
In the pockets the gutters the feathered filth of this shattered sailboat that sets sail
Morale’s at an all-time low
My misused modicums of mockery
Pierce every security, comfort, solace that you misunderstand miserably
Mislaid militancy migrated at a memorable rate and you can’t ignore the bitter sea
Sure-have some counsel a few aggravated allusions and a pinch of an enthusiast enshrouded in a clouded doubted conscious state of a monstrous lake which inhales shale and all caught in it’s windpipe dims the light of the fire in his bones as well fall inside the fish we conspire to moan and we fall with bits of nostalgia onto moss-laced misplaced flotsam and as I look at all the dead I wish I had caught them instead I just fought them ponder what all the lead brought them, then I realize the essential eugenics never seem to end, As black swallows the wreckage, I follow everything I let live or give down a gravel trail-driven mad to sail all while inside this leviathan whale, fighting the right to spin another tale, as I rail against order and become a slave to it, as I flail in disorder and my lungs notice the stave you flicked, and laagered lampreys latch onto my Achilles, I haven’t finished many thoughts but I’d say it’s time to seal these.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


A net of disappointment
A poorly planned web
A cruising contusion
Trying to delude myself
But it seems that I’m losing
I only inquire because I want something to inspire
I only retire because I want something to be born
Rather than expire
Unrealistic and idealistic-----perhaps
Stunned by the real shit---that’s been thrown into my lap
Untold unfriendly escapades scalded by a sadistic sun
Elevate me to a new now that doesn’t clamp to my limps
Like a trip

Friday, September 14, 2007


I’m lookin for a fight tonight
I see crass trash with each glance I pass
Dramatics all around but I just chuckle
Life is for enjoyment-embitterment a hopeless struggle


Once upon a line
I could express what I felt
Once I was strong and shined
I could test what I felt
Rationalize what I seemed to fully feel
and what fully filled the
Fantastical methodology so magical
The past is a pale full of stale water
Which I wish wouldn’t bother me
The old surfaces and it lusts for regression
The scolding mirth of this is the gusts of a swirling psychosomatic session

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


For every joke they push
For every toke they take
For every sip down the human drain
Anything to not feel like ourselves
Anything for new
People drifting in and out of our consciousness
We pretend they matter
Until we get fed up
We’ve all just been set up
Our hopes raised so damn high
Just adjust your aplomb
So that you might stun
And maybe you’ll end up fitting in
The muffled muzzle of the gun with the silencer
to convince the gunshot to keep quiet
As it throttles the disputatiousness from your conversation
Hope is unrealistic if you think about it a long
hard while
Exasperation embodied-I wander in my head
Thoughts become unwanted detours on a road
Made of past and present homesteads
But now that the dwelling’s selling me-where do I go
Dangerously overlooked
Your dedication is a cop-out
Your expectations an unstoppable drought
Faded and elated hiding in transpontine shack
And the nerves loosely tied within my skin say your on my mind as everything begins to turn black
I was ever so protean, but I am done doting them.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


A high is everything you want when everything you don’t want is occurring
A high is a welcome sedation that’s feels more real and natural then real life and true perception-the same way some dreams feel more tangible then reality


You push you exert
Until your mind is hurt
You’re convivial-just like me
You concern yourself with what’s tragic and trivial
just like me
Staring at a friends corpse
Elicits threads of their end and a raping remorse
Explicit in my head-bare dividends of scraping discourse
Estranged with how his existence became extinguished
After blazing so strong so long
Auriferous pupils of peripatetic nature
Analyze that the due pills pair me with something that dares to be pathetic
I’m nearly resigned to being an objet trouvé
I’m fear that I’m inclined to be a can of blue aerosol spray
Corroding my surroundings while diminishing myself
Imploding in what the sound brings while envisioning a shelf
All the while pondering the terrifying inevitability of my health

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I just went to my friend’s wake
I miss you bro.
Damn I miss you.
Whoever killed you is a coward.
Rest in peace my friend

Saturday, August 25, 2007


My fingertips smell like tobacco
My eyes feel like they’re marbles
My neck feels malformed
The more hurdles I’m faced with
The more irrational I become
My spine smells like it’s got matches lit inside it
My toes feel disconnected
And the marbles are looking in every direction
The nicotine will allow
And compulsive lust is a coping mechanism?
This is news to me?
Nicotine, caffeine, and a failing self-cannibalistic scream
Of creativity
Say you’re me
But I now it’s vice versa
And I’m kind but I’ll curse the
In the wink of an eye
The singer flips onto a pile of teetering shells but the stack holds
And I’m just a little louse lost in life’s rotund back folds

Thursday, August 23, 2007


tip tip tap tap
racing bass-and a cave of hand-claps

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Inspired by Interpol Again

Pepper in your eyes
Salt in your wound
I shouldn’t have brought it up-
It was all to soon
At least I can learn from what I now discern
Or is that not a consolation
Purify the flies
That balk at the flume of
I’m bettin this
will continue to croon
You’re a menu in bloom
If you pardon the comment
the comparison
The brashness
the glass drifts
Through your piece of mind
Affable adjectives
Which I would love to apply to this intense delirium
My minds a ship
an automobile
An airplane
With no idea where they are, or who is steering them
And I alternate between maturity
and ought to hate that I keep blurring the
indistinct line between
right and wrong
but I unlearned ethics
I burned
the ideaology but I originally fed it
and it's insatiable gluttony
and it's paralyzing recommendations
So I'll use my body like a visor
Insecurity's a whore
she love's every bit of me
But I truly despise her
And the more attention I give her
The more she seems to think
That I am a test case quite voluntarily
The more she seems to press the ideal that she bury me

Sunday, August 19, 2007

In Retrospect

And I walked through the graveyard
And I felt a bruise of belonging developing in my brain
My restlessness calmed by the one I feared
I felt at home
I felt comforted by this chart of corpses embellished with flowers and stones
And I wandered with no goal
I felt so finite yet so uplifted-

Angry, cruel poem inspired by the new Interpol album

Recipes on the mind
Ravaging combinations
Speeding with unique qualities
Which appeal to the celerity?
Of my nature
Recently more restless
Than I’ve ever been before
Reentry find some composure from the closure
The crumbling carousel
The avalanche of avarice
Is there something I missed
You trifle, you dumb thing, you thoughtless tryst


Bathing in overabundant envy
Laying in such redundant thoughts
so pungent
why don’t you end me
Is there something I missed
You trifle, you dumb thing, you thoughtless tryst
With thoughts of
how thoughtless
the concepts
were to begin
The vague regressing ambition
The lake of a depressing lack of conviction
And I block your explanations
Before you even give them the luxury of defenses
You’ll become more a trifle with the rifle pressed against your collar bone
You’ll become more of a dumb thing when I un-sing everything I ever decided to holler and groan
you’ll become more of a tryst when I realize you’ll were never really missed
I don’t need your comfort
Spare me the statement of how much you care

Friday, August 17, 2007


Dripping limbs
in a vat of grins
an irrational spin
a dispassionate binge
The world’s a machine
With grass on a hinge
Let’s reactivate the din
Those made us believe that sin
Could really be true
And for that matter let the word ‘true’
Dictate what you do
Rip fate of what it’s due
Trip the fake over knives let their guts spill
Sip tea with rakes scratch out your lives

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Why do we complain? Does it feel good to focus on the negative experiences?

Why do we demand? Does it feel good to be condescending?

Why do we question if we know we can’t possibly know it all?

Ambition is a mixture of a blind dream and an incredible, undeniable passion.

Oil Change

I'm currently blogging from the AAA car servicing center off of Pisgah Church Road. On the way back from Jessie's house last night(I love her) my oil light began blinking repeatedly which alarmed me(I've never had that light come on, thought it seems strange that this would bother me more than the omnipresent dull light beneath my spedometer screaming 'MAINTENINCE REQUIRED', but my dad said it was nothing I needed to worry about, though considering his abilities to prioritize wrongly I wouldn't be surprised if the Honda burst into flames next time I turn the ignition.....Anyway time to end this run on sentence----Or is it? I tried to call Graphica to let them know I'm going to be late but I'm assuming no one is there yet....I mean you can't really expect people to be at work more than a half hour before their set to. Unless you're one of those frighteningly overbearing employees who smiles at everything from getting a raise to finding out you unintentionally ran over your own mother while intoxicated. I think too much-well let me qualify that. I don't think too much. My OCD thinks too much. The whole 'You are not your illness concept comes to mind' I'm so fatigued. I need to sleep well tonight to make up for the advancing problem of my sleep debt. I feel like an army of invisible trolls are moonwalking on my forehead with giant boots. Not the most serious of comparisons but it will do for now. The interesting thing is that based on my behavior around the Perkins they would likely deduce that I always act that sporadically. I'm not even slightly as spastic when it's just Jessie and I-I only act like I don't have any common sense(for the most part) When there are other people around the two of us-or if I'm with others on my own. Hanging out with Jess is always such a festive, joyous ocassion-And spending time with others is uninvolved, bland experience. We're both aware of this- I just felt the need to articulate it in writing. Also, I'm still wondering why I begin to feel such pain when

Monday, July 2, 2007


Roid raid in
In the city of F
In the state of G
Destroyed not by a blade
but drugs and which was more important to save
your career
or the child you reared
The wife you pledged to
Now the police allege you
Killed them both in a narcotic fit
a drug dream
a sluggish stream of cruelty from which nothing was gleaned

Thursday, June 28, 2007


is indefensible, inscrubtable and ignorant. Only the most depraved filth of society stoop to kill others to prove a point or resolve a conflict. To all of you adorning your profiles with RIP Chris Benoit, give it a rest and stop embarassing yourselves. Yeah, I may be drawing conclusions based on my limited knowledge of the situation.....But consider this
1) They lived in an isolated area
2) Anabolic steroids were found in his home
3) Steroids can enduce roid rage which instills an angry energy which even the smallest thing can set off
4) Wrestling takes it toil on the participants physically and mentally in the most severe of waysFurthermore his son had Fragile X Syndrome, a form of autism.So in conclusion, Benoit's selfishness killed his wife and disabled son.How can anyone put a murderer over their victims?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Here's What's Happened

black bear
boy dead
woman pregnant
woman gone
Headlines blare
Obnoxiously overt
Both found dead
and naked in the medias
Collecting nothing and
Not being collected
Because everyone’s attention
is on the best song on the radio
not the
trifles of tragedy
Founded in perseverance
As Britain helps see the end of a global pedophile ring
Everyone’s just wondering what’s being produced in the music scene
So that they can have another ear-pleasing son to sing
Fads are a drag in the dribbling end
Knowledge erupts tunnels of dust from society’s lungs
College corrupts calculating the crisp constant that is a miserable layer of life in scheduled educated and the depreciation has not only begun
It is done, it is done
If everything we create is a planned obsolescence that what does make us---
Even less permanent

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Watch as bare knuckles bring
Liquor with pale stickers
in an attempt to rip her
from her crusted cistern of a routine
which molds more
with each bloody sunrise
each smutty glum tie
she refuses to sever
but on a sailboat of hedonistic ways
Pain is mistaken for green mystic waves
of a nautical frontier
Let’s all rot filled with beer
And an apathy so piquant that no one cares who steers

Friday, June 8, 2007


am determined. This is an understatement of course, and I'm sure I sound like every other author who dreams large and accomplishes nothing. By my dreams and not a cycle of hesitating effort and then sudden surges of it. I don't think I will be incredibly successful- I know I will. Because I never stop working-and thinking of new things to do or try, techniques to consider, whether it be in art, music, the way I speak, humor, ways to improve my outlook even more, keep my authenticity consistent etc. I will be who I am, and I will succeed at everything I try, regardless of how many times I fail along the way. My goals will be met. The future is bright because I say it will be..........Jessie has made me realize everything that is beautiful and possible in this life. Without her my ambition would be at a standstill. I love her-and I will do anything to remain with her for the rest of my life. She has completed and improved on so many levels in so many varrying ways that it would be borderline impossible for me to delineate them all.

Notice Again

Girls with straightened hair plastered to their face
With clouds of clumped make up masking every trait
Eyeliner applied over extensively, resembling a
Choice aesthetic bruise on their pale passé complexion
Athletic guys smirk and the girls misread an arrogant inflection
for a new way
a recently sketched out, semi-visible, hopeful direction
you’re decently dressed out in someone else’s personality
The social agreement sees that your breasts shout-
Attention is the only cure for my massive malady


Grappling with cruising cruelty
Baffling how you sing through me
Crackling from a bruising duty
That is a leadened weight in a deadened mind
Wrap the things you hate in sedentary finds

Monday, June 4, 2007


I watched him work with encouraging intent
thumbing through my thoughts
hoping for a fixed pane
a ripped stain
To make the malfunction stop

Flare Gun

We hauled hell on our backs
But then realized heaven was a far greater burden
We hurled sorrow towards our eyes
But then realized happiness was far more damaging
We cried til we laughed at how pathetic we were
But then realized
Laughing heartily was far more dangerous as tears streamed down
We realized
Euphoria was a constraining jeopardy


meanwhile we’ve found a better version of you
You’re senile and halfway in the ground
You’re a diversion of blue
Issuing new responsibilities
While failing those of the former
You’re a client with eyes bent
and we nothing but machines
With vein and artery circuit boards
With brains of steal and electronic memory
Compulsed by no pulse only algorithms

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Character Traits of a Cityscape

Hyperextended radio towers
Sprained antenas need to be mended
Palpitating foliage congregating around corner stores
Epileptic helicopters careening erratically
Depressed mailboxes refuse to open their mouths
Passive-agressive fire-hydrants bursting like shattered ceramics
Suicidal kayaks wobble towards the bottom of the lake
Apathetic guitars refuse to sing along with fingers
ADD headlights lose focus and cause collisions
The discontented sun wanders away
The unappreciative moon hurls itself at the earth
Stop signs furtively say go shirking responsibilities
The streets cowardly lane lines slither away
----Be thankful the world doesn't behave as we do,
If it were without a doubt we'd all be through

Ride Home

Nauseated on the bus
Coping with common lust
For reasons undisclosed
Windows are cataracts to reality
On this rectangular ride
And this petroleum-addicted
Pavement afflicted
Beast is so tranquil
From the inside
The cheap aluminum-silver lizard hide
Marks the cataracts distinguished divide
Back and forth my nausea trickles
What's a body worth when it's so fickle


Today's regret will be tomorrow's motivation, of what to do and not to.
Convictions are as overused and disposable as lies.
Don't criticize change.
Do not bind yourself to responsibilities.(fulfilling them is fine-but being controlled by them is unacceptable)


Negative space
Covered in lave
Defines the weeping widow
Next to the willow
Like a cool pillow
Outside of the
Dimly lit room
A grim taste of gloom
The vociferous din
Billows in the shape of a mushroom
Relative haste
Lover's delaced
in the confines
of the sleeping widow
Expect the grief to grow
Mutter a hard 'thanks'
and grin a lie with your teeth
She shrilled to the star-scattered atmosphere
'At this point of hardly mattered if you were here!'
She ranted further of how
'God' had hurt her..........
Blessed are the festive
who are fake for any god's sake.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Reading about a new technology
And every novels atom that drizzles into existence
Is indictive of a progressive resignation
A trip to the ends of the earth with no sails and no
A trip that no longer depends on the mirth that I hailed as the
new definition
of human life
of this illusory struggle that everyone is irked by

A Jester Minus the Jocularity

You’re never gettin an amiable apology
You’ll get a dissatisfied sorry
barring the
Point where you realize your actions
And I’ll never understand your turntable of psychology
Your brains spinnin and the lack of stability is starving me
We were a blooming tree
And now shadows are looming over me
In the back of my mind
I analyze the wrong
The wrongs analyze me until
Your eyes begin to shine

Sayin sorry
Falsifying fact
Instinctively denying
The brink thinks for me and its
ordered in a
Bounding shred
of a new

Time for a greater piece
A greater range
of change
And opportunity for the deranged
my you’re strange
You piece of slime-
We’ll always end up estranged
Get out of my lengthy lane
in this street full of flashbacks
Your mind’s become rubbish
is there a piece of your body that lacks trash?!?!
Flashbacks……lacks trash……..Going so fast
……..He demeans you behind your back…
……...And you’re a screen of hindrance holding away
Just pushing away
Just wasting away
We’re all killing ourselves while taking steps after step
Self-medication is a mistake but a good one at that
I know what I did
L-llll-etttt me Live!

Sayin sorry
Falsifying fact
Instinctively denying
The brink thinks for me and its
ordered in a
Bounding shred
of a new
You are my new expulsion
So go on out the door
cross the floor

Forward Motion in Vegas

I’m fastened upward-arms dangling downward
Blood-bitter bastards in the pit that had mangled me forward
The grass in the upswing couldn’t cancel out
the dance about the bedraggling
Choreographed by neon corpses
Massaging, monologue within the electrified signs that entrance and shout
You’re your own trap and we’ll see your wrongs are greeted by horses
met at the gate with a casket full of plagues
It’s worth fighting my flirtatious fate just to see you age

Monday, May 14, 2007

When I'm In the Ground

you were trapsin around my funeral
clad in black
Next to the shack
It was just fate you were at my funeral
wailing hymns not fit for living ears
sobbing sins that you spit through that dousing of tears
at this point cryin’s for naught
I’m gone carry on-forget this spot
I was gettin lowered into the ground
Rigor mortis is my new best friend
It’s a shame this dream had to end
Cuz everything from the daffodils
To the verdant hills
‘We miss him so’
You were fakin your pain at my funeral
You were embracing my pain at my funeral
All I wanted was goodbye, a somber wave
But you trampled the flowers-kicked mud everywhere
Rambled about what a disaster I was- threw punch in their hair
How dare you pretend to care
I’m gone this song has lost it’s air

Just One

I need a new nuance
To occupy my thoughts
I need a new existence
I need new nuances
So my thoughts will have something to occupy
Something to dwell in and upon
And that occupation could possibly bring some peace that I could hold
my thoughts are worker bees toiling to satisfy a queen that isn’t there
I could rot from hurt or disease just to ratify what I mean but who would truly care
Nuances are my observation
Nuances are my art
Nuances are my poetry
Nuances define the inner-workings of this
third-eaten third-bruised third-healing heart
If I were floating out at sea
abandoned by the boat
and all hope
then I would tell you to
sail on past and leave me to the
burnt beaten burnt-bruised burnt-pealing sharks

How Dare I

I am selfless.
The only thing I ask is that
Judgment isn’t passed so fast

I am selfless
The groaning gauze cast that
Befuddles the motions of my arms wont last
As long as my past

I’m hurting, my mind is spurting little trinkets
Of antiquity
That I can no longer identify
my thoughts are leaking onto the busy sidewalks
my sentiments are crumbling little currency that heaven spent
On the circular crowds all around me but facing outward
All this attention
All these connections
And I’ve never felt emptier
Who sent me here?
I ask nothing of anyone-so why is so much expected of me
Not a thing of the cliques
Not a thing of those I’ve befriended
I don’t ask for forgiveness from those
who have ended
Their place and grace in my space
A beam of warm light cross-hatching in diamonds over my closed eyelids
That would be such beauty
Such extravagant, emblazoned, exotic beauty

Friday, May 11, 2007


I just want to recover the tracks for this stumbling train
And give it a course
But I don't speak effort
I'm not fluent-and my voicebox is hoarse
And my creativity has become coarse
crawling on my hands and knees
Travelling over this gravel
isn't enough at the point the here and now?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lethargy,let me go

Who do you think you are
I hope you sink right where you are
and I feel
as if i haven't slept in months
As if I've becomed maddened by these fatigued lumps
That are my eyes
And their lids are reluctant shutters


Standardizing anything turns it into a hassle. Have you noticed that the greatest accomplishments in music, art, and everything else have been the result of free will and focus? Not mandated monotony. Organization is the enemy of progress; if ideas and goals don’t flow freely then none of them will solidify in the end. Inspiration and structure are a contradiction that cannot be justified. I’ve learned more through my own research than I ever have because of the influence/forceful nature of school. This cumulates in high school drop outs, and general academic apathy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I want my innocence back!!!
I wanna weep in the corner
with this damned jaded nature in my eyes
I feel I've earned more
I feel I've learned more than this- cyclical thoughts so pitiful
I'm not happy as this scarecrow
straw under my skin
straw in my heart
straw over those same deprived eyes..
But the innocence leaves me defenseless.....
Let me feel what I wish! just walk away! since when did you become my coroner!?!
I've crammed so much filth into this eraser that
beauty is digusting
And corruption is gorgeous
I've concealed what you yearned for
But no more
no more
And I died as this scarecrow
dead leaves and straw bundled in my blood
I breath but you saw how I mumbled through the mud
Dripping down my chin.
And you backed away so petrified
At the sight that met your eyes
so just.
Let me feel what I wish!
Let me walk away!!
Let me be be your coroner!
Let me feel you walk away!!


These tender aggravations rubbed raw, but we keep clenching them with the utmost desperation.
The throes of the blows caused by the clubs that we juggled back and forth
I want to be
Intuitively free
but now I see
What it’s doing to me
I could render gravitation, of what you said the drugs saw through your eyes, eying the cutthroat’s expectations
The corpses grow in the snow causing the bear cubs to huddle together for warmth
I want to be
Naturally free
but now I see
That’s it’s battering me

Pondering Contentment

Some degree of popularity should indicate happiness of some kind. But contentment is just as much a choice as discontentment is. All the lonely malcontents of the world have built depression around them. Sadness isn’t truly natural, it’s ungratefulness. It’s an inability to ponder the positives. It’s laziness to not harness the prehensile nature of happiness. You have to channel a desire to feel a certain way to achieve that emotion. A state of mind is like a goal which you have to remain consistently committed to. I believe euphoria is dependent on ambition and little more…..Because I have had absolutely no support from anyone at earlier points in my life and I was completely fine. I didn’t feel hollow in the slightest- if anything I felt liberated by being responsible for only myself. The definition of happiness is to achieve satisfaction without hurting others. At least this is how I feel. This may seem like a selfish delusion meant to give security, but if you realize what makes you happy you don’t need a single person’s approval. Happiness is an esoteric struggle, a puzzle with colored pieces which alternate tones without warning. It’s a map with ink that blotches sporadically if you focus too much on it. Inward thinking produces pessimists, Outward thinking produces passion. The nurturance of other people’s happiness has satisfied me far more than helping myself ever has.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

News Flash!

Today the Pentagon ordered 9,000,000,000,000 troops to march into a volcano. When they asked why they needed to do this President Bush reportedly said
‘There are terrorists in there!!!!’


To make up my mind
I have to repair yours
Restoration is a grating primadonnna cyclone
And naiveté is no excuse for rash condemnations that burn down my home
This connection is an electronic explosion
Of chip boards, wires, and a redirected hum of the power it holds
Everything was expressionistic
Everything was intricate, intimate at least
Nothing has ever been so masochistic
as trying
to help people
to not replace them out of boredom
Your rationale needs to reboot
Your dreary declarations need to degauss
You sear me with expectations-that only bring loss


It’s symbiotic sentiment that I’d rather not entertain
It’s an embryonic pestilence dripping from dark cranes
Crushing notes into a keyboard hoping for a song
A blushing hope is what’s in store
When you realized it was strong
Self-esteem’s an elevator
And yours is on the bottom floor
There aren’t any revolutionary negotiations
There aren’t many melting blue canaries to glue to the train station
Their wings lay plastered
Like me to my mind
A distortion
But it seems rather kind

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Once upon a time

There once was a fairly new set of obese novelists that wrote about the journeys of exploring a sphincter with a giant sword named Buttcaliber which assisted in selecting the right man thongs to build an empire of bloody noses which they deemed ‘The Sweatiest Nakedest Darn Place on EFJDlobville' No one was all that impressed with this suddent declaration of nudity and perspiration so they all began to use iguanas as tennis rackets, pogo sticks, and various other recreational materials. Occasionally the iguanas would become dead presidents in zombie incarnate form and begin feeding on a burlap sack of chickens.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Why has

Everything become a form of exhaustion?


I’m your tutor
Your doubter
And so much more
I’m ruder
I’m the shouter
We’ll see what’s in store
I bypassed the highway
Like some clogged arteries
The dashes on the road
like the ashes in your eyes
Is that a vein?
a pebble or just a stye
I’m a rebel without a notion of a cause
Maybe I just wanna die
Your wounds are oozing but I’ve run out of gauze
and that’s a shame well that’s a damn shame
But the more you complain and longer I stand the quicker
I go insane
I’m your tutor
Your doubter
And so much more
I’m ruder
I’m the shouter
We’ll see what’s in store
What’s in store but a bore
A conflict
A crass compromise
that complicates
Until the pores of my skin themselves
Spun pills towards you grin like a pinball machine
They ricocheted all the way
To grasses so green
Your tutor is tired
Your doubter is exhausted
And so much more

Monday, April 30, 2007


You could have let sleeping dogs lie
But you had to beat them while they took their naps
You could have stroked me gently
and let me greet you by sitting in your lap
I asked you for you pristine cuizine-you gave me nothin but scraps
I've broken the leash now I'll get you back
I'm a canine
And your mine
And I'm gnawing on your insecurities in the middle of nowhere
I'm clawing, crawling on your climaxes
As the blizzard-the snow blares
Outside the kennel
Put me down if you want
Trim my ears
Cut my tail
Til I start to wail
But my methods masochistic and it never fails

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I've run out

of words
and everything that is associated with it.
there is nothing more to learn in this land

Friday, April 27, 2007

I Hope So

I deliberately stray from what I’m asked to do
Self-control is a myth enjoyment’s the key
And tonight makes me contemplate
The possible eventuality
That my decisions will bring me
A sliver of bait in a sea gray from the pollutants funneled from you
This astralogical belt is full of holes but it paints a vivid scene for everyone to see
And your lack of fright unsettles-what could be your fate
We brought the hull tar but it continued to be flooded through
Just like the sailors with their frozen fallacies
I'm driven by what you may sing to me
But you've lost your voice
And I've lost my acquire taste for those soaring vocals
Just know that I am remorseful

Family Problems

There is nothing I destest more than people who can develop inane segues around a simple question. Just give me my answer-and shut up regarding the issue. Don't give me pointless advice and tell me that I'm worried over something when I'm not . Don't tell me how I'm feeling-and don't tell me that I'm being disrespectful, because the average person wouldn't be able to withstand this maelstrom of ignorance either. Has your life become minimalized to the point where nothing but underdeveloped opinions can tumble from your mouth. If so then-you need to readjust your life-and let mine be. I will make my own decisions-I will have my own views-and not a single person can change me.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I am not happy
I am not satisfied
I am not selfless
I am not inspired
I am not alive
You cannot trap me
I am so deprived
I cannot believe I spelt this
With the letters of a liar
I have lost my drive
I am not alive

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Passive agressive
Pass the impressive
thoughts you keep in a whore
Liquor leaks into the store
While whales breach at the shimmering shore

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Plane Trip

On a baroque bloodstained plane
Filled with oozing boxes
Still we're proving toxins
Are everyone's joy
I've begun to destroy
The plane's turbines
With my teeth and it brings me such joy
And between the screams
I gleaned what you mean
Now you're mine and nothing more than a toy


Do I lie to a point where it's difficult to differentiate between the falsifications and myself
Do I make endless strings of promises when I know I can't/wont abide by them
Do I commit myself to things when I know I'm going to lose interest in them
Do I have such a paralyzing difficulty in deciding what I want in this life
Do I not accept that I need other people's help
.......Like a small animal crushed
My will was extinguished
With a muffled yelp.

Self-Induced Conflict

There's a hopeless exhaustion
Between my muscle and my skin
A throbbing anti-gravity
Between my mind and my bones
My forehead and my shins
You say how can you cope with this now that you're lost
But I can't lose what I never had
And I don't have any time for your clever gab
I don't care if it gets better it's still not my bag

Sunday, April 22, 2007


To explain how I’m feeling about the situation-look at a thawing iceberg


You’re a hammer in my hand-And I’ll use you as I wish
You’re a wrench in my belt loop and I’ll make you slide down every way which
I mean every which way
you’re a cortex of correspondence that I don’t want to acknowledge
Steam and levers covered brick
Smog like liquid rubber so thick
And the hammer’s teeth have fallen off now
I’m afraid you’ve lost your purpose
Like the president transferred back into time
Into some kind of burgess
Time doesn’t heal everything if you’re taking steps backward
Lie detector lines don’t feel anything-just stating what you lack the courage to wail
The argument’s so old-the hearts have gone stale

Helix Enigma

originally-it was just a random combination of words....But now that I think about it it represents me to the fullest extent. I am incredibly complex like a dna helix, and I am always spiralling towards something without knowing what, the helix is like a neverending staircase, filled with belabored details of my personality traits combined with the fact that I am enigmatic and impossible to figure out. I am a vortex of change and chaos, and mysterious simultaneously.

Cargo Hold

You drew a dreadful disaster from the disguised doldrums
and the ship full of incendiary secrets burned ever on
I never wanted to let go of your hand
Let you drown
no-not one your diffidence is destructive
Set you down
You spewed the dead and they pulled
and grafted
your fur
to the lies
Now unfold and behold them

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Kick It Up

Sharpen your resources
Your materials aren’t acute enough by my standards
What you’ve given isn’t good enough, so the granulation of your grace will grow on with a gregarious grasping interpretation of our time here
So you’re not living for the present
Because your neck cranes towards the past
And you feign the formality to cast
A new aspect of minimalism
Across a region of attraction
That is nefarious and gasping at innervations of my climb here

Afterlife Treatment

The quality will continue
The validity of the venue will
Help you realize that the decanter is only increasing the banter
Should the crematorium be enchanted
Then perhaps the censer should be censored

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Aware That

Your trickery’s flickering
Your flame’s but a sputtering spark
I’m bitterly biding my time
love’s become animosity-animosity to homicide-
You said you felt what you didn’t-
Nothing’s left to hide
Because there’s nothing inside
But the intricacies of a sphere of nails encasing your bruised head
Liberties make it clear that hail is erasing the landmarks and all that you’ve said


That dull plucking of the guitar
The crackling vocals rattling over the soundscape of fluttering
Bat wings that splinter into brown rust
The plucking becomes queer and unnerving
What makes you little ingrates think the gifts are clear and you’re so deserving
You’re not as worthy as me as you’d like to believe
Rutilant ravens rape the brain-clouds of the mendacious faithless little souls
That darken the land like a blanket of fertile soil
And gradual became completion
As seeds became new minstrels
They strummed at their instruments like it was all they had
They gunned down the insolent, fighting with all they could grab
And they robbed from the rich
And beat the poor through the ground
And bodies became dust
And dust became new soil
And the soil lifted away
And traversed like a curse
And your breathing those peasants
Each and lost one
With every intake
Every inhale
Why’s your face turning pale?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Please Forgive Us

The trees are the perfect complexity of this exasperated earth
And these streetlights are blemishes on its gorgeous skin
And the shooters in the news are the lice in its grass hair
The mountain ranges are it pinnacles of skeletal structure
It’s skull
wooden arms
cement shins
Resplendent sins
Suffocate this gracious Gaia
Whom we exploit, while we place lists on its pupils to ask for a tad bit more

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hurting To a Point

I tire of pain that is as omnipresent as my breath
I tire of people whose cruelty demonizes people until there’s nothing left
Lethargic, I’ve parted passion and into a sun that sings I cannot make it
Create it and my efforts are in vain
I don’t want to explain


A disorienting chill tumbles down my back
The bags under my eyes feel just as heavy as my eyelids
As if their pulling my face down
My core is descending into a dripping of depression
If my mind is in the floating halcyon of grace
Then my body is corroding on a balcony of disgrace
Why can’t the two elegantly waltz?
I pant rapidly under the pressure that bellows my faults
I can’t chop happily when the mesh of my finger tips can no longer endure the
And then the harsh
Between what my body wants and my mind indubitably needs
The little maggots want to descab it and make sure I beautifully bleed

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Inside My Head

When all the sentences are disregarded
And all the assignments are completed
All the conversation over
and shadow falls over my house
and my head
I begin to understand the avarice for activity
That I’ve always had and always hold dear
Being idle
Is the contradiction to a satisfactory survival?
Involvement is an exclusive engagement that brings me joy
Revolving tents full of contradictions whirl through my cerebellum
Evolving dented heat vents gyrating from the strain of my overused brain shudder at the over activity
Slow down haven’t you found that there’s nothing in the barbed wire crown?
The battle’s historic and you deplore it, but can you let it let go of you, or are you through with the hyperkinetic, the acrobatic telekinetic with yourself
Christ Jake-ease the disease, you know it won’t please
The price that the fake exceed with their social credit not something you would seize
You’re potential embodied
But you are a reluctant replica of what you wish to depict
This is a pungent plethora of a tryst that could make me sick

Monday, April 9, 2007

Glazed Little Glaciers

It’s a ladder of chatter
It’s a hairstyle harpooning little curls of hair
It’s tremendous and endless and I can’t defend or comprehend this
Or send a fist
When all I meant to do was intend the drift
There’s wreckage dotting the coast
And it all deflects the bridge of snow that I loved the most

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Bias and Infanticide

The world’s favorites
I believe we should flavor it
With some concrete cyan
That reminds you that this blood these veins are my land
And I’ll do what I please with them
Favored to win
But why not belabor his sins
Expose his flaws until he becomes them
And his missteps become his identity tearing within

The pearl’s babes it slit
On the edge of a a jagged nickel
The duty falls on us
When the garrulous reaper runs out of shining sickles

Saturday, April 7, 2007

What's Your Motive?

Inspired by monotony
Or a simple desire to create?
Is it redundant to create for creation’s sake
Does the reduce the expression to a little above fake
I wouldn’t know
I wouldn’t go
Even if you told me I’d die if I refused
To move
Twiddle my thumbs
Put a bounce in my step
Your life’s progressing to fast and your motives
are a joke
When you're done trying to convert the world I’ll show you
real hope

Drawing Parallels

I have a paralyzing sword in a sheath
This reminds me of your mouth full of broken teeth
I have a new discord south of the beach
which is west of the rest
Part your lips
Show a smile there’s no reason to be depressed

Musical Direction

The ambient obscurity of TV on the Radio
The shrieking trill of Blood Brothers
The bouncing swagger of Mika
The intoxicated expression of Panic! At the Disco
The crumbling vocals of The Used
The ever-prevalent perversity of Franz Ferdinand
The easy-going tone drifting through Shrimp Boat

Domestic Disturbance

You shook your head
And I shook the heat from your veins
You took the bread
And I took out the yeast and the grain
Made the filth fanciful and floundered in my failure
Ground the silt in your eyes and speculated over the confusion
I’ve gotta get away from this stale air
I’ve gotta have my say and declare what is fair
Our tongues got tangled in argument
And your tongue went limp as I strangled you in that apartment
No more shaking anymore
Your soul can shake in your casket your shallow grave your brand new decor

To Self-Absorbed Or Not Enough

Why do people search for new when finding it depends on your state of mind, looking for change is like looking for oxygen.

Health Addicts

Vitamins, fish oil, supplements glucosamine
Bite and grin, it’s all soiled by a public vent supporting a methamphetamine dream

Health Addicts

Vitamins, fish oil, supplements glucosamine
Bite and grin, it’s all soiled by a public vent supporting a methamphetamine dream


Let’s color by numbers
Let’s erase all the letters
the shades duller like hearing muffled thunder
Through an aluminum dwelling
Filled with nothing but chairs
Let’s question pseudo-apologies
Let’s make space for all the guilt that fetters

Make Up Your Mind

Slip these cheese graters onto your feet
Slip these IVs into your eyes
Slide these knives into every single pore
Which you scored
Before you pushed them inside
Little dash marks follow them with scissors
Lick these envelope stamps until they fade like your stamina
Lick these syringes, until you feel you are the sky
Last as your fast, your lives are something we can no longer afford

Friday, April 6, 2007

Unsure but....

The winery is filled to the bursting with socialites and self-important attitudes
It's as if as the people age so does their tart biting narcisism
The bakery is soaked with the scent of spices and chocolates frosting galore
It's as if their teasing the disadvantage that huddle outside the homeless, the poor

Calm Down

There’s a gallon of paint
leaking on your head
breaching from the tread
of a ship so small

There’s a talon that’s claims that you can’t
and you never will
Crawl away from the razor edged depressant

There’s a lack of sanity
seeking what you fed
calm down
quit accusing me
Quit abusing the
peace that I have only because you haven’t found it

Your envy of my elation
is the frustration you project to my location
Falls the fray of seasons as you are the rugged edge to my life

Monday, April 2, 2007

The Musical Voice

The orchestral hum has only begun
But the creaking and leaking of notes is what’s effecting
So melancholy, so mellow, so magnificilently unmolested
By superficiality
Or so it seems
It appears that the only way to feel
Security is to let go of everything that makes you feel safe
And the drums are pounding machines
And the lack of vocals creates a voice of it’s own
And the guitar mourns in a broken fashion
And the bass mumbles eloquence that drives the collapsing emotions
And the violin soars overhead commanded a tone of epic loss that is nearly incomprehensible

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Mowing the lawn
Keeping my mind clear
Growing what’s gone
Is what they all fear
It comes to me after I finish
And I can no longer savor
the labor that gives me a sense of direction
floating at dawn
My moods now a weary handgun
Or so that seems correct
Sitting at the laptop
My accomplishments serve as a back drop

Resting For A Change

The damp shadow that is sleep fell upon my face
The warm gesture that is waking again kisses my eyes without the slightest trace
And I get tense just thinking about thoughts that previously pushed into my mindset
And brother says that I’m talking in my sleep
But I doubt that’s the case

Friday, March 30, 2007


sitting in a bar painted brown and a washed out yellow
cabaret dancers surround gentlemen based on their wealth
The men seduce money
While the entertainers do so to earn it
Women have become animals
Money has become foreplay
Love has become crumbling filth
If you can’t treat a person like a human what does that make you?

Coping Methods

You wake up
rub your eyes
look around
groan in disorientation

She wakes up
Extends her arms
You see her staring at you from the edge of your peripheral
Time for that conversation

She tells you to calm down
You tell her to be silent

She says what your mind needs is some peace
You say, ‘Why would I want that in my mind?
Are you out of yours?’

You go to sleep
and never wake up
She wakes up to a body
and never goes to sleep
Instead of resting the torn body of a mourner
She continues to weep


And flowers burst and sprouted from stonesAnd beauty crawled out of grotesque appearancesAnd purity paraded from a get-together of amoralityAnd no one cowers Anticipating a blow from a cruelty so commonAnd concern crashed out of the teetering heart of apathy And everyone became empowered


I’m a gnarled branch underneath your foot
I’m a speck of cartilage amongst the bones and soot
the trees fingers feature a seat for hollow bones
and the fact that they dunk my joints in rust is the reason they groan

I’m a twig blanched by a season of death
I’m a direct stance that’ll give an appeasing rationale for your breath

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I’m driving on a drugged up rainbow
I’m diving into a slug of pain’s throes
I ain’t sure how much more of this inscription
I can carve until you care
I ain’t sure if I was uncertain about the curtain
and when it fell rippling about my feet
And the hallucinogenic rainbow
Is a saturated semi-circle of deep satisfaction
If satisfaction is a quenching of a thirst
Then what happens when it’s been quenched to the point where it hurts?
And the bullet of shattered senses is piercing the center of my chest
And I pull it back like it mattered fiercely remembering all of the best

Friday, March 23, 2007

Daring but no longer Caring

two points for the phrase
three for the slave that you’ve made
The blood that you drew

four bucks for the rave
six for the depraved you sent to the grave
The dud that you grew

It’s time I give you the credit you deserve
Less than nothin even regarding the learning curve
The money’s screaming wonders that you never mentioned
The chattering chimera
Stares down the glare the glass pressed backwards

two more points for the one I ignored
three for the morbid mutterings I explored
The blood is licking your lips

four bucks extra
Care if I hex the
The beginning and the end
So there’s not a shred for you
So there’s not a damned scrap
You’re eyelids are now cages, your tongue is a grand trap


I think truth has become an inconvenience in our world. I can’t claim any moral high ground regarding this, it’s just an observation. Discarding truth is just a way to stay constantly comfortable. If we deny reality we may feel better because an amorphous outlook is easier to keep consistent than anything rigid

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Excel through Hell and all of its regions
The claustrophobic zenith carved with long lesions
Showering in droplets and fingers of flame
Cowering in the fire spit towards me and my shame
I am what I wish I could be
You are what they demand you to like
Massive insecurities draped together create new sight
Smashing blurring free of the tape above the flash lights
That our eyes
To the farthest skies
I will search
I will hurt

Monday, March 19, 2007

Restless and Ravenous

I ponder if it will be redundant
If I wander
Because how can an absent-minded person lose focus
How can immoral person do wrong
Or be lacerated by locusts
A plethora of plagues
Which turned the town pale
Which burned it all down,
Then froze it in hale
As God stood there smiling
Constructed from wood beguiling
You all
You’re a bead of sweat on
A beast’s neck
And you’ll be first to fall
Off his back as he kneels
And you’ll thirst for a call
As we’re attacked as new meals


I’ve been pushing desperately against this surcease
And the subjugation of my will
Shrieks so slowly, torturing still
I’ve been stumbling in the labyrinth
Behind the staircase
Squeezing at my shins
Tearing at my knees
With a blazing fervor
These steps of regret
I hesitate to hang
I levitate in the rain
Then drown in the drain
Run through
By the past I allowed
Now I’m pulling pitifully
On corrosive cylinders
On explosive pills for the cur
Let me
Let them be my release
Only following what
Will bring peace

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I’m baking synonyms in cynicism
I’m taking stuttering rhythms and
Teaching them to enunciate
With a clarity
That’s a rarity
In an audacious age
I’m basting comfort with empathy
Alone in the irony
that the more I assist
The less I persist
I’m not running on empty
That would indicate something
Was there to begin with
I will indicate I'm frozen
but movement is necessity
Quit pressing me
Set me free
If you know what's best for me
I have no sense of self-preservation
I left logic for a permanent vacation

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

In this land of dust and poverty
I finally found what is bothering me
My past hasn't simply been following me
With a perception of nostalgia mixed with pretension
It's a bursting barrel of boredom and sometimes it's hard
In this yellowing yard
This new dimension
And what I've created and what I want to be
Is haunting me
and mocking my efforts and it's all beyond comprehension
I'm simply waiting for an extension of intervention

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


This glowing ambient rectangle
Redefines an electronic addiction
And she posts pathologically
to try to find brief solace
In this amorphous sanctuary
of hyperboles and
Adolescent on their knees
Begging, bawling
In veils of torn hair
Lies have adorned them bare
Peeled away their flaking souls
And reach their garrulous goal


Formal shouldn’t be normal
Shy shouldn’t be a disguise
Pain shouldn’t be a passion
You can open up your eyes

Fresh Start

The accentuating dark lines
Across a cylinder of cleanliness
A soft shadow cast inside it
There’s a satellite of incoherent confusion
Garbling in the curves of my ears
And it’s wire stretches left across
The wooden surface so high in cost
And back towards this machine
This is a magnet for my focusing fingers
For my momentary calm
Only an aftertaste of that raptures fate
Remains on my tongue
We have rebegun

Monday, March 12, 2007


There are new high heels made of bark
and even fresher throats made of seduction
There is a new steel made of hearts
and in a depressed blur that coats hope
Faded this articulate deduction
Bathed in dust
There are better scales which tip
dip in your favor
And corneas split
filled with your favorite flavor
Spilled a bag of browning blood
Just so you could savor
it all
But after that semi-eager, semi-indifferent
Simultaneous sacrifice
The best, the amazing, the beautiful
Intravenous but only
Is only categorized by nice

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Above or Under

The new barely provokes a reaction
what must
It’s just something wrong with me
I’m optimistic but I’m jaded
I’m considerate but I’m a prick
I’m dedicated but I’m untalented
I’m rarely improving
Constantly self-deprecating
My esteem
Is choking on it’s own thinning steam
And I know that depression’s grinning continues to gleam
my esteem
is green with nausea towards itself
It’s just something wrong with me
I’m a failure yet I continue
I’m deliberate yet I’m an accident
I’m practiced yet I’m naïve
I’m barely improving
My somber self-expression
My floundering facets which further me towards a facility of a faith with the strength of a feather
You’ll never improve me so despite your ability to wait so let’s focus on the weather

Can't Help It

Loose ends
That stimulate swiftly a tone I no longer wanted to harbor
You intend
To dictate dramatically through a theatrical throne
What is this further or farther?
That indicate a clashing clone I no longer wanted to harvest
But the grain’s so ripe
And the sickle still shines
And their wont be another season like this
Until the end of this teetering time
Is no longer wrapped in vines

notanymore no icant
notitsnotlike that iswear iswear
the thought process of a
Sentimentalist who doesn’t want to share
thiscannot pass letitbe
thiscannot dash allinmysight allinmysight
Reinventing sensual lists of all you can bear
If your so convicted then why do you rant

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


to any poetry, but I haven't slept well in nearly a week....And I'm falling apart physically. Mentally I'm actually really well...It's just tiring that when one of them seems fine the other has to be in subpar condition....It's affecting my productivity, focus, etc...
I've gotta go to sleep.

Whatever You Wish

A halo of creation
A division of shadow
I rate those approbations
A revision that’s hallowed
Your ultimatum’s uninsured
You can continue to excavate them….can’t you endure?

You insinuate
And all I’ll do is collapse
In response
You vindicate
And all I can do is reset my traps
Yeah my world’s wailing
and this culture I’ve created is crass
Yeah curls in the fabric as we continue sailing
And the torture they’ve confiscated will last
….Unlike you

In these horizontal outlets we’ve found a new coping mechanism
In these plant rectangles we’ve found a new coping mechanism
In these soaked ovals we’ve found strength to carry on
In these broken philosophies we’ve found a new cynicism
Or perhaps I’m melodramatic with the issues which choke me

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Drooping souls examined
The shrivelled pulp
into which his body became
Don't worry
they assured
With tones quite demure
we can
convert his corpse
we can
promptly pervert your remorse
A carcass is cuisine
if smashed within the right dream
and when darkness gleams
cleanliness flickers with a sickly light


Kidnapping millions
Stuff them in bags
Place those bags
within a fire
Rape of a fascinating resistance
Deflate this masochistic conviction


I can’t rationalize a portion of the dramatic distortion I have spun
all I know
Is I’ll see it through to the end now that its’ begun
The arrow’s arching backward as my spine follows suit
Despair is a backward art that can siphon away your youth
I made notches in my arrogance
I slaved as you misbehaved
and your heart is defrosting but it still isn’t healed
And I start the accosting only as an appeal

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Grinding Halt

Oh god I’m falling to the floor
Where am I
What did I say to you
Oh my I’m calling from the store
Where’s my car
And why do I feel this way
Oh I have no idea who I am
or what I’m doing
I’m having trouble seeing
And even more difficulty
With breathing
I’m huddled in self-infliction
And I want to be helped out
Before some form of an out helps me


You’re looking up
They cut into your pain
Like a deck of cards
You’re refusing to stare me in the eye
Now that you see that the dye
That you misused
In which you flew
Diluted the dogma but
You can’t replace
What is true


Hushed tones with an ominous hold
Blushing and groans with a calamitous cold
All caught on videotape
That happy hazard is lined with yellow plastic
Barricading a smaller chalk outline within
I wrestle with my own mind
It’s knotted like a pretzel and relaxation
A new elation
Is what I’d like to find
I struggle with my own solace
To the point where
Relaxation seems
Foreign singular strange
Let it go
It’s already loosened its hold on you
Hold steady, though freedom is long past due

Monday, February 19, 2007


You created contrast
I created lighting
You created an unintelligble fast
I created fighting
You debated times that wont last
I invented lightning
And brought it down
with malice to
let it nestle and burrow
into your head
your brain
No need navigate through this huddled homestead of rain

Tried to Save Her

you’ll never pry kindness for my grip
she said this as my esteem slipped
dripped sideways
and took a tragic trip
I wish you would admit that you’re just lit
I said as I pried the bottle green from hands
On wrists that my as well have been slit
I let you slide onto the chair in the den
I let myself sob in the kitchen while preparing
But not daring
To realize the inevitable
To reiterate the incredible
Truth of which she was
the proof
Her interpretation was invigorating
But no longer something I’m anticipating

Delusion Feels Normal Until.....

Weekly rainbows for a season of gray
Seeking faint glows of the disease that we spray
crushin cityscapes underneath your heel
Lush videos for the sake of the wreath of steel
Whatever makes you feel at this point
Whatever shakes you until you reel at this point
Creaking doors
as tainted growths pour in just as you begin to heal
Harm held your hand while breaking your mind
Yarn for the demands held together so divine

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I live as if when I close my eyes
I may vanish
Or directly die
I’m brazen
I’m brash
I’m invading this combating
City of ash
Comport yourself
Retort your
Iconic conjectures
Of convulsions
That he dealt
Explore my
sonic salutations
of nothing more than
a misguided compulsion
A gush of foreclosure
For the lush overexposure
Of your thoughts
Your life
Your enemies and such

Friday, February 16, 2007

A Small Scene And Some Arrogance

We answered his question
with a goddamn gunshot
The dancer in question
was an outspoken slut without
Doubts caught

I couldn't care less
What you think of me
If you hate
How I am
What greater incentive is there
To be more obnoxious
I wasn't just the one who invented it
I was the one who taught this
I am on demand
I didn't just make a scheme
I am the plan
I am confidence
I am whatever I wish to be
And I can con perfection form these dents
My life's like a western
theatrical, chaotic, intriguing,
With an overlying love story
But if problems are declassified
I will confront anyone over anything
I refuse to back down

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Sign language
They’re what I seem to need
To decipher
the enigmathe blind languish impaled exploring the pejorative
even moreYou never lost hope
Hope lost you
Just let it back in; and all this will be through
How can you live it up
While I stand here hopeless
Giving up

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Me Or At Least A Portion

The histrionic harmonics of a hapless hindered hummingbird
We grip these phonics and tonics of faithless sinners drumming heard

Not What You Think

escape the profiling
dictating the lowest reconciling
Of the groteque reckoned dialing
Who are you to tear out tongues
And relable them as lungs
Who are you to animdaversions so unable


In the twilight
The frost bites
And the crass cold bites
at coattails of the floating deck rail
That you pull close
as you meander through
a sea of compromised convictions that defined you
That magnificently maligned you
The slew of slander
Shouldn't be the standard

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Why Not?

Let’s vilify the vacation
But the silt in your eyes and
Give the surreptitious silence
Couldn’t you have found
Clarity in charity?
An estuary of
the unnecessary ultimatums
The sum of all their fates
What is the world
but a reflection of irresponsible human nature
What made these pearls
but an inspection by the constable that revealed
a needed nomenclature
The past has been crawling at your heels
Waiting for you to fall
Begin to crack, melt and peel

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Mafia Mishap

Drinking from a coffee mug
Whilst lead slugs
Fly from every direction
Like a spider web of bullets
8 hit him in the gullet
4 more crucified him to the nearby wall
Mob men
Making sure
That you know not to stand tall

Noir For the Poor

I’ve gotta hatchet in my hand
I’ve gotta casket on my land
with vampirism on the mind
and a shovel in my other hand
with body disposal on the mind
and nails locked intimately into myflesh
With paranoia eating my mind
and eyebrows of barbed wire glued uncomfortably
To this bleeding crudely carved desire


Set me free Or let me beI never wanted this to begin with
But I'll be haunted until I end this
the mistake that rakes across my mind
he said with a half sob
Convincing myself that I'm not in pain
has become my new job
The occupation to find elation
It shouldn't be this way
I was never meant to live this way
I look forward to sleeping but not tomorrow
He choked as he spoke
Because there are enough scars from the present day
He put his head in his palms
I've put so many qualms in
the back of my thoughts that trail
And I should've known the deceit
From your eyes that quiver
Your skin so pale
That it would all fail
You've taken a good person and
turned their heart to shale
And I've been flaking all along
He collapsed within the pressure

Unfortunate But Accurate

Everything is evaluated since trends became the truth

Inside Who's Head?

Head to the side
Tear soaked shirt
Look of hollowness lingering in her eyes
Head to the side
Inquisitive and confused
Eyes tilted downward as her esteem when abused
Muddled mascara
Now tilted upward searching an empty sky
Do I have to go it alone
I—I’m not strong enough
Can’t you pull me to my feet
Torn dress
Help me help myself before I hurt someone else
Head to the side
I’m empty and cold
So tired of the numb feeling of everything feeling misused
and how everything hurts
Bloodshot eyes


Death is a breath of an embrace shattered and spattered across a monochromatic static which provokes a new brand of addicts to the tempestuous traffic that they label with encomiums regarding it and their relevance in the grand scheme, the bland dream of consciousness that streams, but trickling is more accurate and the trickles are poisoned with pretentious voices, vicarious choices as people live through those around them and relegate themselves to be reserved what did you deserve, the learning curve is a burning bridge in this life and people often have to walk it blind, balk at the signs then throw themselves into an abyss of disassembled tranquility and broken wrists, the notion of the extravagance continuing to endear seems ready to disappear, it seems to believe is to grieve without restraint, watch as individuality faints and flies into a coma, and the vitals retitle this existence as nothing but pragmatic persistence, at the sporadic insistence of a coagulation of vague morals that made every tender cell of an even more nebulous incredulous person, is it any wonder that everything hurts them. These cynical cyclical hypocritical people impaling themselves on stale steeples with every wasted word they let escape, people’s lives should be love, not all this hate, as those around fall and fail and scrape every ounce of enthusiasm just to get by and to defy the inevitable eventual cry…………………………..

Speculate Debate or Simply Delegate

and demandingly ominous

Further through
Envelopes of flame

The horsemen are greeting graciously
and are outstandingly calming thus
we can trust?

Isn’t that the case?
Lies have amalgamated the tabanid
Pursue the parsimonious prison
or live life with liberality
or give life it as if it were an undelivered fatality
The eternal labanotation
The external grave of crass citations
Burn through the brave yet disasterous implications


Proposition of a newfound mission
Intrigue of a backwards due league
Festering and sequestering we’re investing
in a fresh hell of detesting
In the best shell of depression dogma
Which will rob the
minute with a muted tone of a grasping groan
A fluke with a reputed loan of a fasting clone
You are the epiphany that has never shone

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Social Scene

By the masks I painted
One for the crowd
Two for the street performers whose roars grow so loud
But I’m weary tonight
I can’t see crisply
Clearly tonight

Within the castle she fainted
By the slashes I painted
One for the clouds
Two for sweet conformers of whom no one is proud
But hear and see that broken sight
I can’t see with the
Fearful insight

Comparable or Not?

Goddamnit child
I’ve slammed the wild premonitions
Within a war that you wish wasn’t being wondered over
Erratic bile
Is crammed within the defiled paper prisons

The bandit dialed
with demands and a masochistic mission
Within a wisp wavering inside the wishes under covers
Bombastic piles….
of a past thought paraphrased to the point of a distant contusion


Word has it your empty
Word has it you simply
want someone to care
want someone to share
a life and end that dispare

Word has it your alone
Word has it you wish
Someone’s voice would hold a kind tone
and let you know things will be fine
and let you know there is a divine

The greatest natural invention
And it will always be declared
Whether you
choose to accept happiness
Is the hardest disposition
To develop
Or so I’ve found

That tranquil peace, encouragement is the greatest sound


your bruises
Look smart
with your fuses
You better know
The debtor slows
an acknowledges a shred of appreciation
Before dramatically draining the empathetic emaciation
Life isn't confusing
You are the source
Of your pleasant ice-cold ports
Of remorse

Sunday, January 21, 2007

God is Your Gun

Jesus Christ
will please the might
of a multiplicative warmonger
of a duplicit mass-murderer
of a new limit
dictated by the
Disheveled sheep herder
Naiveté’s a whore and by
the time you spot her
Your in line with a cry
Next for the slaughter

What's In Plain Sight Can't Be Accepted

Security in the airport at a maximum
But peace of mind is precious so please just relax

Purity of intentions in America at an appalling
Esoteric as the
Never-ending truth

Ignorant finality and failure are synonymous now

Friday, January 19, 2007


Things are looking up
and ignoring the beauty of life laces everything with failure
So I will not allow such qualms to quiver within my mind
For everything
Is the right outlook


Embrace the pungent
Taste of
of a faltering
Yet sheltering fate
But how could
Embrace what redefines your face


I blame the shame
But what would I know
I composed the rain
But that’s nothing I would claim

I brought the shot
But what would I sew
I exposed the stains
But that’s nothing next to fame

Back Off

Save all
the sorrow
behave while
I borrow
a little bit of the past
Although the lows
that we hold with white knuckles
muscles fold and are taut as my
belt buckle
We know they wont last
But we’d love to grasp

There is Nothing


There is nothing but a theater full of bleeders
There is nothing but a casket full of gaskets
There is nothing but a life impaled on a knife
There is nothing but a beach out of reach
There is nothing but fingers that barely, rarely linger
There is nothing but a sun wrapped in glum
There is nothing but a president represented as something reticent
There is nothing but Nigerian’s wondering why people are fearing them
There is NOTHING
B-bbbut a void that annoys that everyone treats as a toy
B-bbbut a side of a divide that everyone has spied
B-bbbut an anarchy of malarkey that we call a life
Did I mention- there aint anything?!
Did I mention – Bare minimums are everything?!
There is nothing but a lull punctuated by skulls
There is nothing but vanity-driven insanity
There is nothing but a twisted enlisted empathy
There is nothing but narcissism that parts within them
There is nothing but false intentions that we failed to mention
There is nothing but a delivery of misery and bigotry
There is nothing but a bayonet in the trays we set
There is nothing but a didactic disaster of a bastard
Let’s lock up the laughter
Let’s shock out the most recent chapter
so we can realize that…..
There is NOTHING
B-bbbut a void that annoys that everyone treats as a toy
B-bbbut a side of a divide that everyone has spied
B-bbbut an anarchy of malarkey that we call a life
Did I mention- there aint anything?!
Did I mention – Bare minimums are everything?!


I have a confession to make
I lost myself
I couldn’t stop
I didn’t know I felt
And that’s all there is
To say of the matter
My depression came from adding aspects of fake
Let me be
I’d prefer
To a social cure
she is all I need
Accept it
or criticize
I find all truth
Just by looking in her eyes

Monday, January 15, 2007

It Really Is All In Your Head

Mourning things that could have been, will bring you more pain then actually missing the opportunity.

Happiness is the ability to allow yourself to simply savor perception

Just a couple sentiments

Be excited for the sake of enjoying every moment of life.
Be passionate for the sake of creativity

What Would you Expect

Tired and hungry
My heart, my body is mumbling
Muttering incoherently
For her
For rest
My mind’s like a news ticker
Rarely slowing
But certainly
Everything cannot be relative
Because if that were the case what would death be?

Thrown passes, bruised bodies, screaming coaches, torn turf
blown through a draft of enthused roaches and shorn hurt

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Anxious Revolutionary

Hands clasped together in anticipation
Towards an end that no one wants to admit an inclination towards
Though it may seem like the solution of the present day
His future problems will obviously never be refuted by the
Thoughtful rationalizations that he claims as truth
Tanks of the nation outside have come to claim his youth
How could harm become the new proof for negativity
Then realizing death will make his points turn and all but moot

Life and People's Treatment of It

So many questions
So little time
So many
blessed trims
of hyperboles
rewritten to be
the gospel of
21st century
A litany
that rips
through the
of malevolence
and sadism
that fade
the passion within


Pain is loss, so you cannot always be in pain because then you would never have anything….This refutes the ‘life is pain’ argument

The speakers leak
Her organs
Ride along a bored wind
I’ll never budge
Develop a grudge
Towards the stereo
Blaring low
In the background
Glaring betrothed
To intimacy
With boredom
Show me the
Where have you stored

4 walls
4 mace balls
Renouncing loyalty
To the boy I see
Huddled in snow-sprinkled seas
My eyes show wrinkles
Giving way to
Pockets of relief
4 halls
inside 4 different
The décor
the floor
resembled a morgue

Contadictory Observation

is burning
I’m a little cinder
is frozen stiff
I’m a deformed icicle
clinging to
Everything tells of
Hell so
what do

I don’t actually feel this way..but I feel the poem’s interesting. Though I feel expressing myself is important, I feel that doing it an intriguing way is of even greater value.


I’m a whirling
Full of
Cinnamon and knives
I’m a
Full of
Dividends of lives
Riding by
and smoldering hotels
Inciting eyes
Travel sideways
Blurring roads
Light leaks from cylindrical
Reminiscent of
iron eyelids

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Situation

bringing the world
To me, and my views
Pay dues
Declared me misused
By certain little
That claim they
Have hearts
I’ll believe you all
When I see
Them beat
When your feet move to
Delete what you’ve
To repeat the hacking
Over what’s
Recently bandaged
My mind is free
and yours is


frail little cripple

why won't they wait

stale and so brittle

It must just be fate

hail of knives that stipple

and puncture

a perfect pure sky

of the most inhibited purple

Angry Poem

I planned for
the screws to pop out
why’d they fall back in?

I planned for
you to develop clout
How’d you call back sin?

I planned for
you to shut your mouth
Little snake
the vicious
the delicious
Watch it all dissipate

Sunday, January 7, 2007


broken and battered
how are you sir, how are you?
Misspoken and tattered
How far are you sir, how far are you?
A token of the
Have the scars penetrated
Let me impart
the degenerated few

Friday, January 5, 2007

Mr. President

awkward aquacade
the appearance
prison of

A stalward stigma
that caused
the corpses
to fade
The debt is
paid in a
of dust

by your
own financial
The money's
a must....

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

War poem

Hair twined
in blood
sewn to
Dry falling
Open your
melting eyes
It’s raining
bullets and ash.

This is what being sick does to my thought process

My mind aches
as if my head itself will soon just break
And this present pain
But I try not to
to let it
make more irrate
Is it
for me to be crippled by a dyslexic pain
For me to hurt
For me to have
Torn my hands
..But not
my mind

.. what a

I deliberately make myself
to the
barrage of whirs and clicks

of time

An existentialist
Mix of mental rifts

A monumental
Showing you dipped

And found
emboldening force

Now all you are

A furious chokehold
on remorse

Just thinking

Unveil the queer
Audience members
See a
Hapless haughty sense
Vicarious surrender
That is
Ever evident
In embers
To your limbs
Jaggedly through
Your chin
To a
Is that
Such a sin?

Even more

Through shivering shadows
and desanctified sadness
beautifully helpless happiness
and damaged gladness
Through nonexistent comfort
and dissipated faith

blank thoughts
Characterized by even more empty stares

Through slivers of light
and delicate madness
Hideously low trapped in this
and crumbling peace
Through common wisdom hidden
and abating fate

Rank rot
Americanized by even more empty glares

Clad in all black
Jesus is back
with bruised arms
a mask of contusions layering his face
See how the past conclusions fair in this place
Gravitating towards
It’s time that he
fought the
demons that we refuse to release

the love on lease
that cruelty
wishes to

And he plods slowly
on the sidewalk
below the frigid cityscape
To the left of the prisons
To the right of corruption
Below a
Heaven that no one will hold

You’re a clone
a copy consumed by a lack of self-clarification
and a lack of confidence
actions cry for attention
and your posture cries for assistance
And…yes I’ve been cruel
And…yes I’ve spoken and joked with you
And….then talked behind your back
Selective kindness
is a contradiction
to redirect this mindless
lack of conviction
I just hope you
can find yourself
amongst all
this superficial
sadistic social sacrifice
Would there be conflict
If everyone was secure with themselves…

Out of my life
Out of my mind
Out of my images
Out of my influence
You were a mistake
And it was fate for
Us to be such a
You’re the vapor of a wind I no longer breathe

I declare with a glint
And every step I take
Cleverness left you
Looking for a namesake
as I swagger
through the cemetery
Dancing through
the tombstones
Fancy a glaze of glue
For the lips that still groan?
My mouth full of rabies
and some gray foam
I’m just a well-dressed
Welcome back to your
permanent home

Disheveled hair
and the warped metal
Remastered disaster
Coming upon
Frantic and
as she wrapped
her arms ritualistically
That superfluous
That gun fight
Numbs the lights
in your irises
Pours through
Your listlessness

Working deviously
Leaning heavily
on what is wanted
on what is wished for
on what is missed
But may yet be in store
If I can muster patience
If I can keep myself in check
If I can ignore the luster of a great pinch
And weep within a war
That I cannot
This mind that rarely slows down
That fares better
When it’s not imbedded
In the ground

No police
No regulation
No standards to meet
No inhibitions
No false freedom
No souls for purchase
No mass-murder
No suicidal military commitments
No praise for lust as a replacement for love
No praise for the corrupt as long as you’re in their favor
No sadism
No apathy


Tethered to leather
Measuring endeavors
Fragmented feathers
Treasuring nevers


I harbor, animosity
Pry farther damned to monotony
Sky darker
The cups of washed out gray

Eyes scarred, drop the sea
Sigh harder, Land just copies me
Lies part her
Further than
The cups of washed out days

Generic declare it
The new

Watch the gray clay blaze
The crude concrete
Take a seat
The subway exudes

Watch the soil boil from toil
The blue old feet
Mechanics bleat
As the wrong way
Becomes true

Six dark-red stockings
A car crash took away the seventh
Six pairs of tattered shoes
After that they didn’t need the seventh
Six became the new emptiness
Six became synonymous with loss
Six became a bruised black and blue